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replaced front wheel bearings, ABS and slip lights on


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Hi All,


Had both front wheel bearings replaced and now I have issues with ABS and slip lights coming on. Below approx 30mph I get no light but a buzzing through brake pedal as though the ABS thinks that one of the wheels is going to lock when brakes applied. Once above that speed the lights come on and ABS becomes disabled and stays that way until I switch off the ignition. This makes me think that there is a disagreement between sensors from nearside to offside. Mechanic reckons it could be a dodgy bearing but I was also wondering whether poor alignment might cause this. On fitting there was some issues in getting the sensor to pick up on the nearside but this wasn't the case for the offside.


I suppose i have 3 options:

Get onto supplier of bearings and see if I can get it swapped and hope that solves it, problem with that option is if they want the current one back first I potentially need to leave the car on stands whilst that happens.


Refit old bearing and see if the problem disappears, at least that would confirm that the bearing is the issue and I can chase supplier about it, problem being I then end up running a more worn out bearing and back to noisy travels for a short while


Get alignment done and hope that is the root of the issue in which case great, but if it's not then it's spent cash that hasn't fixed the problem and on sorting the bearing I would potentially need to reconsider alignment.


It could of course be something else at which point I defer to you knowledgeable lot for other suggestions. Any one any ideas or advice? Thanks in advance.

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More than likely a faulty sensor or a dodgy bearing or a fitment issue.


What brand of bearing did you buy and from whom ?


Your technician should be able to test the sensor etc which will remove any guesswork.


Plenty fully working pre owned sensors in stock and good to go same/next day.


Alex. :)

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More than likely a faulty sensor or a dodgy bearing or a fitment issue.


What brand of bearing did you buy and from whom ?


Your technician should be able to test the sensor etc which will remove any guesswork.


Plenty fully working pre owned sensors in stock and good to go same/next day.


Alex. :)


Pretty sure the sensor still works as can still get it to receive a signal.


Awaiting the flame but I don't believe the bearing/hub assembly is OEM nissan. Came from atoz Wakefield, used stuff from them before and generally good quality with reasonable warranty. As I say I bought 2 and the offside seems absolutely fine.


So it would appear it is most likely a dodgy bearing? I will get onto atoz and see if they will send me another one out without me needing to take the current one off the car first. If there are still issues could run the old bearing or pull the fuses until I source a OEM replacement and then go refund as not fit for purpose.

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