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Coords to business names


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You are generally a smart bunch (with a few exceptions :lol: ) can anyone help me with a challenge at work. How to convert large numbers of coordinates into business names. So I have many rows of coordinates that are Lat/Long to six decimal places and I want to associate them to the business name they were collected in. I have googled my way around the internet, clearly there are lots of sites which put a pin in a map when I put in one set of co-ords but I then have to manually zoom in and write down the name of the business, I have around 10,000 coordinates to convert so doing one at a time isn't practical. I have found a business called Foursquare in the US but their responses to my contact emails are so slow I am losing the will to persevere with them! Any ideas on companies that you may have come across that can do this, or any any help on how to achieve this greatly appreciated (Note I am not a programmer...so layman terms to any technical response also appreciated!)

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You are generally a smart bunch (with a few exceptions :lol: ) can anyone help me with a challenge at work. How to convert large numbers of coordinates into business names. So I have many rows of coordinates that are Lat/Long to six decimal places and I want to associate them to the business name they were collected in. I have googled my way around the internet, clearly there are lots of sites which put a pin in a map when I put in one set of co-ords but I then have to manually zoom in and write down the name of the business, I have around 10,000 coordinates to convert so doing one at a time isn't practical. I have found a business called Foursquare in the US but their responses to my contact emails are so slow I am losing the will to persevere with them! Any ideas on companies that you may have come across that can do this, or any any help on how to achieve this greatly appreciated (Note I am not a programmer...so layman terms to any technical response also appreciated!)


Have you looked into the google reverse geocode API?

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I think I came across this in a google search, but as above, got somewhat confused as to what it was trying to tell me as to be quite frank, I'm a wally at this sort of thing...




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You are generally a smart bunch (with a few exceptions :lol: ) can anyone help me with a challenge at work. How to convert large numbers of coordinates into business names. So I have many rows of coordinates that are Lat/Long to six decimal places and I want to associate them to the business name they were collected in. I have googled my way around the internet, clearly there are lots of sites which put a pin in a map when I put in one set of co-ords but I then have to manually zoom in and write down the name of the business, I have around 10,000 coordinates to convert so doing one at a time isn't practical. I have found a business called Foursquare in the US but their responses to my contact emails are so slow I am losing the will to persevere with them! Any ideas on companies that you may have come across that can do this, or any any help on how to achieve this greatly appreciated (Note I am not a programmer...so layman terms to any technical response also appreciated!)


Have you looked into the google reverse geocode API?


In fact I could write some code that would take in latitude and longitude and return you all of the addresses. It wouldn't necessarily give you all of the business names but it is an automated start point. I am not massively up on web scraping so I don't know how i would go from that list of addresses to company names in some nice format easily without spending some hours messing about with and thinking about it.


I could probably also knock you up a zoomable map graphic with points at every location within a few minutes if you wanted. Again wouldn't be the most ideal solution as you would still need to get from point to business name by yourself, but at least you wouldn't be entering coords one at a time.


Sorry those aren't the most amazing solutions out there. I could probably knock something better up given more free time but I don't have that luxury currently. If you want one of the two above solutions let me know and I will sort that for you.

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