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Full monty engine bay bling (blue twist)


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Hi again Zedder, 2 weeks ago I had MikeyM bring his azure blue up for some engine bay work, so here is how it went,


I had taken the covers off at this point and put the core brace in place so I could measure up to cut n shut the air box he picked up,






As you can see from these photos it needed a dam good sort out, so we got to work cleaning etc, on my to do list was to clean and paint the front of the engine aluminium silver


Then it was to paint the slam panel



The air box got cut up and painted and fitted as did everything else


Shiny parts started to get added and the rebuild went full swing








And after a full 2 weeks she was all Shiny




Mike and the good lady arrived and off he went a happy chappy :teeth::thumbs:


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  On 14/05/2016 at 20:36, Gus-350z said:

Your work never ceases to amaze me Mark! :thumbs: What a fantastic transformation! By the way, which aluminium paint do you use for the front of the engine? :)

It's a VHT for engines they do a few different colours :thumbs:

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  On 14/05/2016 at 21:07, Floydbax said:

Nice work. I have a question - That air box looks sealed at the front where the air is designed to flow into it through that hole in the front of the car as it's moving. Isn't that restrictive?

No it's not blocked off it has a tube going through it to an air duck that sucks in :thumbs:

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I'm really pleased with every aspect of the work Mark has done on my engine bay. I had been buying various parts for some time and was going to do something myself with the bay, but having discovered Marks talent only a fool wouldn't exploit it 😉


Absolutely fantastic work.. I'm over the moon with the results 😆


Now it's custom headlights soon and then at the end of the season the Zed goes away for a 3 month makeover with custom bodywork all round, new alloys etc and then a great 2017 season enjoying the shows with everyone at last 😎

Edited by MikeyM
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  On 14/05/2016 at 21:59, coldel said:

Out of interest I presume you painted the front of the engine in situ but how? I have a few bits of metal work in my engine bay that could do with tidying up...

Yes I do it in situ and it's all about the prep takes longer to get it ready than actually paint it but saying that it's for stages with the paint and I can do it over 2 days weather permitting :thumbs:

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