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Unwelcome discovery during service


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Giving the car its service today to finally get her back on the road after winter and found the oil pressure sensor damaged whilst doing the oil.


What ever it was has burst through the under tray, clipped the sump and knocked the sensor by the looks of it. Not sure how long its been like this, must have happened after last years service. Pressure gauge still works fine so will do until the new sensor arrives.


On a positive note tried a few of the bolts on the W-brace and they are coming no problem so should be sound to get that changed out without much hassle when I get round to it.

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The 4 middle bolts on the W brace shouldn't be a problem, it's the outer ones you have to be really careful with. Make sure you have pre-lubed them with WD40 or similar :)

Yeh gave them a soak today with plus gas and got drills, taps and new bolts at the ready if it all goes t*ts up

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