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Brexit 23rd June..?



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  1. 1. How are you likely to vote in the upcoming EU referendum

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  On 24/06/2016 at 06:42, Ekona said:

Cameron's statement at 8am will be interesting, as will the one from Boris no doubt following shortly after...


I think what disturbs me the most has been the response from people in social media. They've either been saying that everyone has f*cked up, or they're smug as f*ck. What ever happened to losing and winning with dignity and grace?


You mean like people smugly claiming victory at 10pm ;)


Lets give it a week or month to see what happens when the dust settles.

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I'm the happiest man alive today.

On another board I'm on, the Germans, French, Danes, Austrians, etc are congratulating us with envy, and hoping they'll now get a referendum. I strongly feel that the UK is the key Jenga piece in the EU.

Now that Germany and France will have to carry Eastern Europe and the broken Southern Nations, it's just a matter of time.


The EU is truly broken and needs dismantling. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Edited by Juggalo
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  On 24/06/2016 at 06:29, coldel said:

I know, I actually feel quite sad and didnt expect to feel this way. And not that economically the country is going to be tipped upside down and shaken around but actually so many people on FB are crowing about it and I know they voted Leave purely because of immigration. Sad that as a nation we have this sort of attitude towards our fellow man.


That's the problem they see in you. They see "Our fellow man" as the British people who live here. Not refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants and EU citizens.

For too long people like you have refused point blank to listen and have simply brushed people off as racist if they objected to your EU vision.

The world doesn't work like that, and last night, the EU got schooled on the power of democracy

No hard feelings mate, but the Out vote is the EU's fault for years of incredible arrogance.

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'People like me' Jug were more than aware, at no point did I cite people with this view as racist, simply that they were biasing their view on the vote on a single issue that is not the economic drain on the country that Farage and his one policy cronies would like you to believe it is.


Its actually 'people like you' that cannot see past a single issue and objectively debate a wider issue - you saw this thread as a competition of us vs them and as such here you are celebrating your 'win' - this thread was actually about debating an exit and what might happen and should we support it and you never understood that at any point. over 60 odd pages which is why also so few people engaged with your rants.


Personally I voted the other way, now we need to get on with it and ensure that any ensuing economic shocks are minimised as best as possible.

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lol at the Damage control going on in here by the pro-remain posters.


Just accept you backed the wrong side and 1.2million extra people wanted to leave. Stop being so salty about it.

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Just watched Camerons speech, actually a very good one! Shame he didn't talk up the positives of EU membership before last night in the same way.


Plus a thinly veiled attack on Boris when he mentioned that he took his stance on his beliefs rather than a political agenda.

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Farage's job was done when he promised to resign at the last election if UKIP didn't win a seat, which he did, but then came back because of his parties love for him. At least Cameron for all his failings did the right thing.

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  On 24/06/2016 at 08:23, GT Driver said:

How are you folk all feeling about the result?


We are loving the EUR/Pound rate movement here in Ireland at the moment! :lol:


Quick, buy something, anything - pick up a cheap Zed :lol:

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  On 24/06/2016 at 08:25, coldel said:
  On 24/06/2016 at 08:23, GT Driver said:

How are you folk all feeling about the result?


We are loving the EUR/Pound rate movement here in Ireland at the moment! :lol:


Quick, buy something, anything - pick up a cheap Zed :lol:


Will I have to pay import duty if I do buy something?! :D


A few car buddies have been on Pistonheads classifieds all morning posting up links to TVRs and the likes. haha. I'd love a 370z myself!

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  On 24/06/2016 at 08:22, Toon Chris said:

The UK is no longer the world's 5th largest economy. The £ has fallen so far that France has overtaken us.


After a *massive* drop the market has recovered a little. At the moment the losses in less than 3 hours and in the FTSE100 only are only equivalent to 7 years of payments to the EU. So that's ok then. I'm so glad we have taken back control.


Ah well, interesting times ahead. At least there seems a chance that people in general may become more engaged in politics over the next few years. That's important to prevent low turnout elections and the feeling that we are powerless against what our government does day-to-day, so we may as well not bother. We need more argument and debate and we will get that.

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