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Donny or Wales 08 or both??


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OK, I'm going to get it off my chest......


I don't get why the Wales run has to be in April, the week after the biggest show of the year. Why can it not be pushed into May, so we can actually get some outside interest in the car??? If the mods and admins all got fully behind it we would have a real chance for the community to grow, and have some new members. While the feedback is clearly great for the Wales run it is incredibly insular. An event by members, for members only. I would also love to do the Wales run and apart from that being the marathon weekend it is two major events in the space of 8 days....... :dry:


This isn't to detract from the great effort Beavis puts in to organise these things, I just want to get some of us going to them rather than relying on people just happening to drop by..... :)


Thanks for the points you raise, firstly the idea of starting this thread was to guage what members wanted to do this year, some are asking for Donny and some are asking for Wales, i want members idea,s on dates etc. I am yet to be convinced Donny will happen and i must admit i am very pro Wales. Last April was a massive success with 30+ zeds in attendance, i don't really see the point you are trying to make about it been insular, yes it's a meet for members only i don't think 30+ zeds is an exclusive club!! We currently have in excess of 2000 members and the club is growing rapidly and yes i would like to see a meet with a huge amount of zed's. I moaned like hell last October when we had 2085 members and only 12 going Wales. Ok it was year end and lot's of people had other stuff going on, but i know for a fact that Wales in April or May this year will once again be a great success. Up to yet i have only put forward April because that was when it was last year (Thank God Jacko got the sun order in early) it's not written in stone so if people want it in May then say so but i need more than one person to say so. :thumbs:


I guess that proves two of my points bud. Firstly if we aren't convinced Donny will happen then there hasn't been enough put behind it by the 'leaders' of the club. If it was highlighted as a big kick off / meet / drive / party, it covers just about all the things the members on here seem to get involved in. As for growth, the number of registered users is certainly not directly proportional to the number of contributing users.....


And the Wales drives are insular - if the most posting-ist member is told he can't go without a Zed that by definition says it doesn't reach out to non-Zed owners. Being out of the car, while it is stationary and talking to people does. :)


If it comes down to it and there isn't the support there for it, I will be there for the drive in Wales, and support what the club wants to do. But I do think it would be opportunity missed. :blush::)

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Im more than happy with whatever date the Wales run is, I dont believe it HAS to be April, its just always been that month. I can see your point regarding it falling in the same month as Donny and perhaps moving to May would be peoples prefferences.


What do other people think on the date?


As regards who attends, Its open to members of the club we have here, but I am sure other 350z owners are more than welcome to join us all, they will probably want to join up here before the day itself anyway just to contribute to the chat about the day on the forum, and also to receive the directions, maps, instructions and contact details etc.


We have refrained from opening the day up to non 350z drivers, and sadly this does include ex forum members. The reasons for this decision are that should we allow ex owners in their non 350z cars, and other "fans" in whatever cars they drive, we would be in danger of having massive numbers of attendees.


Although its nice to be a very popular club, when organising dives such as this, (which Beavis, Jacko and others have done a fantastic job of) the higher the numbers the more work involved, and we also run the risk of becoming a nuisance to the locals of whatever town we visit. It could end up becoming more of a "cruise" with little or no control over ho turns up, and the actions those people undertake all reflect on our image as a club.


We havent even chosen a date or emailed the members, and there are already in excess of 20 people down for Wales. At this stage last year we had about 10 or so names on the list.


It is the members club though, and if the month of April is not preffered by the masses, then it can of course be changed.


I would suggest we guage opinion on a couple of dates and go with the result.


Hows about a poll Sunday 27th April or Sunday 11th May?

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The reasons for this decision are that should we allow ex owners in their non 350z cars, and other "fans" in whatever cars they drive, we would be in danger of having massive numbers of attendees.

Thats not quite true is it? I would of came on the Oct run and there was only 12 people there..................

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The reasons for this decision are that should we allow ex owners in their non 350z cars, and other "fans" in whatever cars they drive, we would be in danger of having massive numbers of attendees.

Thats not quite true is it? I would of came on the Oct run and there was only 12 people there..................


Were on about the Spring run though :) besides which it's a Zed club , or like Chris says it will end up a mass cruise (Sarnie get a Zed bought ;) )

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Im more than happy with whatever date the Wales run is, I dont believe it HAS to be April, its just always been that month. I can see your point regarding it falling in the same month as Donny and perhaps moving to May would be peoples prefferences.


What do other people think on the date?


As regards who attends, Its open to members of the club we have here, but I am sure other 350z owners are more than welcome to join us all, they will probably want to join up here before the day itself anyway just to contribute to the chat about the day on the forum, and also to receive the directions, maps, instructions and contact details etc.


We have refrained from opening the day up to non 350z drivers, and sadly this does include ex forum members. The reasons for this decision are that should we allow ex owners in their non 350z cars, and other "fans" in whatever cars they drive, we would be in danger of having massive numbers of attendees.


Although its nice to be a very popular club, when organising dives such as this, (which Beavis, Jacko and others have done a fantastic job of) the higher the numbers the more work involved, and we also run the risk of becoming a nuisance to the locals of whatever town we visit. It could end up becoming more of a "cruise" with little or no control over ho turns up, and the actions those people undertake all reflect on our image as a club.


We havent even chosen a date or emailed the members, and there are already in excess of 20 people down for Wales. At this stage last year we had about 10 or so names on the list.


It is the members club though, and if the month of April is not preffered by the masses, then it can of course be changed.


I would suggest we guage opinion on a couple of dates and go with the result.


Hows about a poll Sunday 27th April or Sunday 11th May?


Just to be clear, I am not in anyway criticising the way the Wales run has been and is organised. I understand the points above. The reference was purely with regards to getting more active members by being at something that isn't Zed exclusive. :)

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The reasons for this decision are that should we allow ex owners in their non 350z cars, and other "fans" in whatever cars they drive, we would be in danger of having massive numbers of attendees.

Thats not quite true is it? I would of came on the Oct run and there was only 12 people there..................


I understand that, but if we allowed it then becuase the numbers were low enough for it not to make a difference, do we allow it when/if we have 30 Zeds?


At what point do we draw the line, and do we draw the line based on numbers of Z's or numbers of cars? If its on number of cars then when another Z joins the list - who do we bump off the non Z list? Its a nightmare.


Besides although there are a great number of friends made on this forum and for many of us the site has trangressed beyond the car itself - the site is still a 350Z site, and its my peronal beleif that the organised drives should remain for the Z's only.


Its another story for the social meets where the aim is a night out on the booze or a meal etc, thats when we see the social aspect of the site at work.

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At what point do we draw the line, and do we draw the line based on numbers of Z's or numbers of cars? If its on number of cars then when another Z joins the list - who do we bump off the non Z list? Its a nightmare.


You can never satisfy all of the people all of the time. On that basis the runs should be be for ZED's only, as much as I would love to see Sarnie and others in their what-have-you's who take an active interest in the club. Chesterfield is right, its a hard enough job organizing these things (I remember from the days of organizing 12 car rallies on public roads) and marshaling 30 or so cars of one type on the day alone is a difficult enough task in itself, without minding others of various descriptions.


Come on Sarnie you have been going on for ages about getting another ZED, at this rate by the time you actually do it you'll be as old as me and have missed the opportunity ;)


Personally I'm up for events that involve some good driving experiences, not parking them up and see who's got the shinyiest. With the increasing interest in the club perhaps hiring/attending a circuit or similar for the day that allows all 350.com members to partake is the answer? :teeth: Just a thought and I'll stop now as I'm going off topic - sorry Mods.

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At what point do we draw the line, and do we draw the line based on numbers of Z's or numbers of cars? If its on number of cars then when another Z joins the list - who do we bump off the non Z list? Its a nightmare.


You can never satisfy all of the people all of the time. On that basis the runs should be be for ZED's only, as much as I would love to see Sarnie and others in their what-have-you's who take an active interest in the club. Chesterfield is right, its a hard enough job organizing these things (I remember from the days of organizing 12 car rallies on public roads) and marshaling 30 or so cars of one type on the day alone is a difficult enough task in itself, without minding others of various descriptions.


Come on Sarnie you have been going on for ages about getting another ZED, at this rate by the time you actually do it you'll be as old as me and have missed the opportunity ;)


Personally I'm up for events that involve some good driving experiences, not parking them up and see who's got the shinyiest. With the increasing interest in the club perhaps hiring/attending a circuit or similar for the day that allows all 350.com members to partake is the answer? :teeth: Just a thought and I'll stop now as I'm going off topic - sorry Mods.


If you are referring to Donny, then reading up on it would tell you that isn't what it is..... Yes there is a show and shine, but if the club gets 20+ cars we get Donington circuit to ourselves for a short while.


To me the whole point of doing the show is for the members to help the club grow by showing the car (standard to heavily modded) and talk to owners about them. Just the same way Zed Club, RS Owners club etc all do. :)

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Just to add my bit. I work half the year and will attend any events when I am off. Having been to a few meets I have met some great people and had a great time. The Wales meet is a bit special for a few reasons. The roads are great, the scenery is great and it is usually well attended. I also know quite a few of the people who will be there.

I dont normally get involved in suggesting dates as I have a 50/50 chance.

I think when somebody has been to a meet, wether it be an existing thing like Donny or a forum specific day they will realise how good they are.

So on a general note, if you are thinking about attending then do it. It takes a lot of organising and as Ebized says, its impossible to pick a place/time to suit all. Once started these meets will grow which is good for all.

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Personally I'm up for events that involve some good driving experiences, not parking them up and see who's got the shinyiest. With the increasing interest in the club perhaps hiring/attending a circuit or similar for the day that allows all 350.com members to partake is the answer? :teeth: Just a thought and I'll stop now as I'm going off topic - sorry Mods.



We have arranged a trackday for all Z and non Z owners. If anyone wants to join. :blush:



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IMHO this should go to a vote for the dates.


And anyway, the Bala run is great (just for the food :p ) oh, and the roads, and Stuey leading :teeth:


Think we need to narrow it down to the month first . April or May. If those that have put their name down can put their prefered month down next to their name then we can move on from there, then narrow it down to the exact date that month that is most popular.Like i said at the beginning of the thread it was to get people's interest's in what they want to do, it's all about the members, i cannot push anything along without inerest from the member's or get behind it if there is no interest. :thumbs:



Wales 08 April


1. beavis.......................................April

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Digsy

5. Gixxer

6. Martinmac

7. stuey (lead car )

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date)

11. Shire (depends on date) (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x

13. Sarnie (depending on Z purchase)

14. Little Miss

15. Djtimo

16. Davej


18. Jacko

19. Chris`I (depends on date)

20. Squarehead - (depends on date).

21. James852



Donny April 08


1. beavis

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Louis

5. H5

6. Gixxer

7. Martinmac

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date)

11. Shire (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x ?

13. Jacko (TBC)

14. Ian S

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Wales 08 April


1. beavis.......................................April

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Digsy

5. Gixxer

6. Martinmac............................... April 2nd to 16 or May 1st to 14th

7. stuey (lead car )

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date)

11. Shire (depends on date) (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x

13. Sarnie (depending on Z purchase)

14. Little Miss

15. Djtimo

16. Davej


18. Jacko

19. Chris`I (depends on date)

20. Squarehead - (depends on date).

21. James852



Donny April 08


1. beavis

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Louis

5. H5

6. Gixxer

7. Martinmac

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date)

11. Shire (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x ?

13. Jacko (TBC)

14. Ian S

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Wales 08


1. beavis.......................................April

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Digsy

5. Gixxer

6. Martinmac............................... April 2nd to 16 or May 1st to 14th

7. stuey (lead car )

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date)

11. Shire (depends on date) (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x

13. Sarnie (depending on Z purchase)

14. Little Miss

15. Djtimo

16. Davej


18. Jacko

19. Chris`I (depends on date)

20. Squarehead - (depends on date).

21. James852

22. H5........................... May


Donny April 08 - 13th-14th April


1. beavis

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Louis

5. H5

6. Gixxer

7. Martinmac

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date)

11. Shire (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x ?

13. Jacko (TBC)

14. Ian S



Martin, your dates for Wales overlap the Donny date? :)

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Wales 08


1. beavis.......................................April

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Digsy

5. Gixxer

6. Martinmac............................... April 2nd to 16 or May 1st to 14th

7. stuey (lead car )

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date)

11. Shire (depends on date) (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x .........APRIL

13. Sarnie (depending on Z purchase)

14. Little Miss

15. Djtimo

16. Davej


18. Jacko

19. Chris`I (depends on date)

20. Squarehead - (depends on date).

21. James852

22. H5........................... May


Donny April 08 - 13th-14th April


1. beavis

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Louis

5. H5

6. Gixxer

7. Martinmac

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date)

11. Shire (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x ?

13. Jacko (TBC)

14. Ian S

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Wales 08


1. beavis.......................................April

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Digsy

5. Gixxer

6. Martinmac............................... April 2nd to 16 or May 1st to 14th

7. stuey (lead car )

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date) ............................April

11. Shire (depends on date) (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x .........APRIL

13. Sarnie (depending on Z purchase)

14. Little Miss

15. Djtimo

16. Davej


18. Jacko

19. Chris`I (depends on date)

20. Squarehead - (depends on date).

21. James852

22. H5........................... May


Donny April 08 - 13th-14th April


1. beavis

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Louis

5. H5

6. Gixxer

7. Martinmac

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date)

11. Shire (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x ?

13. Jacko (TBC)

14. Ian S

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Wales 08


1. beavis.......................................April

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Digsy

5. Gixxer

6. Martinmac............................... April 2nd to 16 or May 1st to 14th

7. stuey (lead car )

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date) ............................April

11. Shire (depends on date) (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x .........APRIL

13. Sarnie (depending on Z purchase)

14. Little Miss

15. Djtimo

16. Davej


18. Jacko

19. Chris`I (depends on date)

20. Squarehead - (depends on date).

21. James852

22. H5........................... May

23. Kai.......................... May


Donny April 08 - 13th-14th April


1. beavis

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Louis

5. H5

6. Gixxer

7. Martinmac

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date)

11. Shire (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x ?

13. Jacko (TBC)

14. Ian S

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1. beavis.......................................April

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Digsy

5. Gixxer

6. Martinmac............................... April 2nd to 16 or May 1st to 14th

7. stuey (lead car )

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date) ............................April

11. Shire (depends on date) (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x .........APRIL

13. Sarnie (depending on Z purchase)

14. Little Miss

15. Djtimo

16. Davej


18. Jacko

19. Chris`I (depends on date)

20. Squarehead - (depends on date).

21. James852

22. H5........................... May

23. Kai.......................... May

24. tmJak


Donny April 08 - 13th-14th April


1. beavis

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Louis

5. H5

6. Gixxer

7. Martinmac

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date)

11. Shire (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x ?

13. Jacko (TBC)

14. Ian S

15. tmJak (may even go if no-one else does :D )

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Wales April/May 08


1. beavis.......................................April

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Digsy

5. Gixxer

6. Martinmac............................... April 2nd to 16 or May 1st to 14th

7. stuey (lead car )

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date) ............................April

11. Shire (depends on date) (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x .........APRIL

13. Sarnie (depending on Z purchase)

14. Little Miss

15. Djtimo

16. Davej


18. Jacko

19. Chris`I (depends on date)

20. Squarehead - (depends on date).

21. James852

22. H5........................... May

23. Kai.......................... May

24. tmJak


Donny April 08 - 13th-14th April


1. beavis

2. lomoto

3. M13KYF

4. Louis

5. H5

6. Gixxer

7. Martinmac

8. AndySpak

9. Chesterfield

10. Ian (depends on date)

11. Shire (new boy first time,lol)

12. xstric9x ?

13. Jacko (TBC)

14. Ian S

15. tmJak (may even go if no-one else does )

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