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Rattle when revving


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When the car is still and i give it a bit of a rev i can hear a bit of a rattle at the top end. it doesn't last long and isn't very loud. Is it worth getting checked out? any ideas? (sound a little bit like the clutch, but that's disengaged)


PS: the car is warm when i rev it :lol:


Thanks guys!

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Do you have a standard exhaust? If not, it could be touching the crossmember underneath like mine. Only when warm as it must expand ever so slightly.


Or heatshield loose as others have said.


Iv heard the release bearing can cause a knocking noise.



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Any worn bearing or aftermarket fly can emit a rattle. If it disappears when engaging the clutch you have your answer.Lots of rear drivers do this and usually bearing related, it's not usually a terminal issue and I normally wait to get it sorted when changing the clutch but if it concerns you get it looked at professionally.

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