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slippy slippy


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well after saying several times how I have not had a slip or skid in the car yet it finally happened this morning. Black ice in our ungritted village - I had only just set off so was probably doing less than 20 about to go past a parked car on the opposite side of the road and back end just slid away quite quickly - I stupidly pressed the brake out of instinct which probably made it worse - I then seemed to lurch to the other side and slide the other way. I sh*t myself! Haven't had that happen since i had a BMW. Crawled the rest of the way through the village with cars behind me thinking I was a moron for going so slow! :blush: Despite running through in my head what you should do when this happens in reality it happens to quick to react. I need to practice!

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Or if you have washed your car on the weekend you may have some soap on your wheels...


Happened to me the other day after having the car washed whilst I shopped in Croydon (at a decent car wash...!!).


Only thing was I wasnt in a village, I was going through an underpass on a busy dual carridgeway.... Managed to catch it in time as it tank trapped but I was waiting for me to bounce off either the side of the underpass or the car next to me!!


No harm done though, just crawled away in a very shy manor...!

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A few years ago someone I know had a little black ice trouble on a bend on a hill and ended up upside down wedged on a tree in the car hanging from the seat belt.


A woman came up and asked the couple of people there where the body was, the "body" was not impressed !


The positives are no damage done except perhaps to underwear ;)

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C'mon Nixy drifting in a built up area is dangerous!


Glad your ok, easy done.


I hit a patch of diesel a few weeks back on a roundabout, the front just kept going straight despite me turning, I though I had a flat tyre at first. I drove 20 yards and then noticed a guy at the side of the road checking his tyres ... guess he thought the same. Glad I was only doing 20 mph at the time though :scare:

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at a car wash :banned::teeth:


:lol: +1


Be careful out there. A mate used his S2000 as a tree clearer at the weekend on black ice. :dry:

I'm hearing of a lot of people writing off S2k's atm, glad I got a Zed and not one of them now! My Zed seems very sure footed in these condtions and very predictable at the limit of grip :thumbs:

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Glad it was just a little scare and nothing more serious for you and the Zed Nixy.


Something I find useful is driving wearing polarised sunglasses for the reason you can see all the road surface, tyre tracks possibly warning of nasties on the road etc, that you miss without. (Preferably not a dark tint. If they are good sunglasses you should be able to wear them in most weather conditions).

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