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Air lock maybe


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Everything with the car is superb after my trip to HDEV aside from my fans blowing cold air only when stationary and resuming normal service heat wise when on the move. I'm thinking it may be an air lock even though it was bled twice when the coolant was changed.

This will be my first port of call but any other input on possible causes would be appreciated.

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Not sure what the issue is buddy but did you unscrew the cap on the drivers side rear pipe ..You should see some discharge from it.i would turn the car on and give all the pipes a good squeeze as this happened to me last year.Be careful not to loose you fingers in your belt though.

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I reckon it's an air lock. Also my rad cap was weeping coolant so I've put a spare one on just rule it out. Coolant level has remained constant but ideally I need to build up the pressure slightly and try the bleed screw as you say. I'm always paranoid about scalding myself so I will probably let the stealer do it next week :)

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