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Left my car unlocked last night & was robbed


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well this morning was a bad morning! I always lock my car & check its locked but last night I did lock it & I woke up this morning at 6:30 to notice my car passenger door was wide open, all my compartments in the car was open so I instantly thought oh sh*t! but I know my car was locked so I think when my keys was on the sofa I must of unlocked it by sitting on the keys as they was no break in damage or marks thank fully but they did get about £20 in change but that's it! luckily didn't know about my glove box behind the seats! way they left my car seems they was disturbed & ran away but no neighbour has come forward BUT luckily my next door neighbour has CCTV aimed at my car so soon as he is home I can look at the footage. so angry with myself & that someone has stolen from me & been in my pride & joy! could of been worse but I just hope to catch them if they is a next time. Just wish my car would fit in my garage :(

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Really sorry to hear that mate. Always a worry for me when I have my car keys in my pocket at home. When I put them away I press the lock button multiple times to make sure everything is locked outside. I hope the CCTV caught the face of the person. Most likely someone local to you and guarantee he will walk past again like nothing happened. Just glad it wasnt one of those idiots who try hot wire cars and fiddle with all the electrics. Hope you catch the guy!

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Sorry to hear this mate! Luckily no damage done to the car and only £20 lost, but defo look out on the CCTV for any recognisable character. Had this happen to my polo a few years ago. Must have forgotten to lock it, and got into it in the morning and saw the boot open symbol was showing. Thought the worst, opened the boot and the worst had happened...someone had take out my sub and amp setup :(

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Me and my Fiancee recently went to Iceland for a holiday, when we returned we found the garden hose had been turned on and was spraying our front door (i think he couldn't get in so wanted to damage the place out of spite?), the garden gates were open and her smart car had been entered... and they'd left a glove in the car! To be fair the police were great, she called the them and they were there in minutes and the forensic team were there pretty sharpish as well. They didn't immediately catch the guy as they had no record of him, but he got busted a week or two after for breaking in to a marine club and they connected the 2 via DNA. I'm actually quite impressed with our local police!

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AH. The UK. The only country where will fill our garages up with worthless crap and leave our 10-20k car outside. lol


I would hate living in these so called new homes, where the garage (which is sold as a premium with the 5 bedroom "large family" house) is about 6ft wide and 10ft deep. WTF do they think people drive......smart cars with 3 kids??? !!!! Makes me wonder.

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  On 20/01/2016 at 12:14, rav525 said:

Really sorry to hear that mate. Always a worry for me when I have my car keys in my pocket at home. When I put them away I press the lock button multiple times to make sure everything is locked outside. I hope the CCTV caught the face of the person. Most likely someone local to you and guarantee he will walk past again like nothing happened. Just glad it wasnt one of those idiots who try hot wire cars and fiddle with all the electrics. Hope you catch the guy!


I'm trying to remember but I'm sure pressing lock more than once on the zed starts disabling things like alarm sensors, sirens etc. I'm similar but press unlock then lock again to ensure its locked.


I'd consider the OP very lucky to be fair. Happened to one of our neighbours, they knew we had CCTV so asked if I could check footage. 3am someone is seen walking onto the drive checking door handles then walks off.


Opportunistic scum

Edited by Fodder
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  On 20/01/2016 at 12:52, BulletMagnet said:

Now invest like a fiver in a key bowl/hook/plate for the hallway, no more sitting on keys once you enter the house


Get a sign made up for the bowl too, you know, for burglars - CAR KEYS HERE :lol:

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  On 20/01/2016 at 13:11, Kraziekatz1 said:

That must be a bloke thing....sitting around in the evening with your car keys in your pocket!


Nope, just a Kieran_ctr thing. I can't stand things in my pockets when I'm on the sofa... then again maybe I'm a girl!

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On my beemer if you hold the unlock key down for a second then not only does it unlock your car but drops all the windows to make getting into the coupe easier. One morning the other year I went outside to find my car unlocked and all the windows down. Since then I tripple check the cars locked and put the keys somewhere in the house where a) I cant sit on them and B) my little one cant get hold of them and start pressing them. TBH you dont even have to sit on them. Ive had the keys in my jeans front pocket before and just kneeling down will put enough force on the key to press the button. (not that i wear skinny jeans or anything :lol:)

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  On 20/01/2016 at 13:00, BulletMagnet said:

Which is better than ransacking the house.

What's worth more, your car or your life?

Thats what we pay insurance for.


I've been burgled twice with no fish bowl, only murdered once.


How much does insurance pay out for stolen recovered vehicles that are worth 25% less when sold?

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  On 20/01/2016 at 14:35, Kraziekatz1 said:

I'm having to sit on my hands so I don't type what's going through my head right now lol

Dan enjoys saying what's on his mind.


Dan finds it cathartic.


Dan is smart.


Be like Dan



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I cant say I've ever had a problem with accidentally unlocking my car :s


however, there was that occasion when parking up in a multi-storey, I forgot to put the window up on my gfs car... it was sat there for 3 hours with the window down. Luckily it was by far and away the least valuable car in the Mailbox carpark and nothing had been stolen - although people did deposit a few mcdonalds wrappers and drinks in it :(

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  On 20/01/2016 at 14:44, SuperStu said:

How much does insurance pay out for stolen recovered vehicles that are worth 25% less when sold?


If I understand you correctly, they don't pay anything on stolen recovered. If the car is stolen and they've paid out to the owner already then the insurance company take possession of the car and sell/auction it off to recoup costs. If a car is simply recovered and returned to the owner then the car wouldn't be marked stolen/recovered from an insurance point of view I believe. There may be some grey area in between where the insurance has been paid and the previous owner has agreed to buy it back I guess.

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