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This is why the zed doesn't go out much....


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Went out for a Christmas work do last night in Windsor and decided I would treat the zed to a blast.


About a mile away from the hotel I had to contend with about 8 speed bumps.




Lucky enough this is more on the underside of the front bumper so cannot be seen.


Then driving back on the M3 this morning I had another Keyser moment ( he will know what I mean :lol:) but sadly not so lucky. Something quite large flicked up underneath from a car in the middle Lane and decided to hit my front bumper.




The wrap helped protect the paint to a degree but non the less still a bugger :(



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Ouch! When I was shopping for a zed I came across a lot with front lips cracked and smashed to pieces. You need one of those rock guards you see on 4x4 off roaders! I'm happy with the height of the zed stock I couldn't imagine lowering it, speed humps would kill it

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Ahh man, sorry to see this, but sh*t happens unfortunately :console:


..........as long as your wheels are ok...ha ha!

I kerbed it coming down a mountain pass, expecting a chunk outa the wheel but just a few scratches thankfully. Tyre took most of the hit! :doh:

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Had my zed less than a week now, ended up taking it shopping, parked as far away from everyone as possible. On the roof of an 8 storey car park! Didn't think anything of it until the way down where I scraped the front bumper down the roof ramp as it was steeper than the rest....doh!

Girlfriend said she wished she took a photo of my face of anger and surprise.

But guess I didn't buy it to sit and look pretty on the drive!

Hope you're able to repair it as much as possible with as little cost!

Edited by matt89
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Just be glad you didn't have me as a passenger :lol:



That sucks matey but we all will do this to ourselves :blush:

I was hoping I was going to somehow miraculously avoid it like that large bit of concrete you threw from your car that time :lol:


To be honest not as much damage as I thought it had done, so cannot grumble.


The speed bumps is another kettle of fish altogether. Not even lowered so shows how long the do-luck nose is.

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