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Quitting the booze


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I used to love a good booze up. But then something just switched and now I very very rarely. The hangover seems to start before I'm even finished drinking for the evening then it's the whole next day written off.


When my mum died 4 years ago (dad already dead) I started smoking a lot of wacky baccy. Pretty much every day.


Hard to understand why it's illegal really when compared to alcohol.


Alcohol pro's;

Can be bought very cheap

It's not illegal

Helpful for anxiety in social situations



Can be very harmful or fatal in high quantities/prolonged period

Can turn people aggressive

Gives false feelings of confidence

Too much can make you completely unaware of surrounding. Senses completely impared or unconscious.

Increase promiscuity as inhibitions are lowered. Unwanted pregnancy/STD


weed pro's;

Can't have too much. IE having lots won't rot your liver or result in passing out (although you may fall asleep!)

No hangovers.

Doesn't make you aggressive (you may act violently towards a pizza and devour it though!)

Stimulates conversation. Opens your mind.




It's usually smoked along with tobacco.

Relatively expensive.

Can reduce productivity in ones life. (Makes you too relaxed/lazy)


I'm sure there's more pro's and cons to both but I can't think of any more right now.


Anyway, I don't participate in either these days.


Food/cooking is my vice these days.


Oh and the Z.


And lifting weights.


Regardless, no one should be judged. We're all entitled to do as we please within reason.


Well done if you have an addiction and have managed to get on top of it.


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