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Quitting the booze


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I cant remember if it was this Jan or last Jan when I tried to take a month off the booze, whichever it was is irrelevant really, I did start a thread. Any hoot, that was a while ago and I soon got back on it.


Anyway I'd had enough, hangovers, feeling shitty and just really wanted to make a big change. I did my black belt last year and going for my 2nd degree next yr so really want to do something alongside that as another challenge.


I've now done 4 months off the booze and I feel great, it's really quite liberating to be without it, you get to a point of realising you dont really need it. I would often get to the end of a work day and think I really want to relax/destress myself and it was always the go to option.


One of the funny things I've noticed is people trying to make you have a drink, I mean wtf is that all about?


And I've saved a fortune. Now I can start saving for the GTR!


Anyone else given it up completely or wants to?

Edited by Flex
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Nope. Everything in moderation, including moderation.


I personally think, and I don't mean this specifically at you or as an insult at all mate, that if people start needing to quit something altogether then they were probably at the point where they were going to have a real problem with it. Applies equally to drinking as it does to smoking or drugs or masturbation, or whatever.

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I tend to go through periods of not boozing, and yeah it does feel good - I think a lot of people don't realise how dependent they are on it.


I also agree about the pressure to drink, and it is pretty annoying. I guess because most social occasions centre around drinking, it's seen as antisocial to not drink.

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Nope. Everything in moderation, including moderation.


I personally think, and I don't mean this specifically at you or as an insult at all mate, that if people start needing to quit something altogether then they were probably at the point where they were going to have a real problem with it. Applies equally to drinking as it does to smoking or drugs or masturbation, or whatever.


Partly agree.


I do now have a full blown chocolate addiction though lol.

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Brilliant Flex, well done & really impressed with the black belt :) Would love to be a martial arts expert, it's on my to do list lol


I keep pretty healthy, eat well and do lots of exercise but I do drink more than I should, and exactly as you said above, it is habit/way to unwind after bad day at work and far too easy to do. I've done 12 months booze free, twice now (basically because I had to). But the past year I have definitely drunk too much :( I did try to do a charity no drinking thing for a month earlier this year but picked a really bad month and failed miserably after about 9 days. Problem is I'm not sure I want to stop drinking completely, quite enjoy a nice glass of wine, good beer or a mojito :) I would like to cut down though.....but it's difficult when you're other half's a drinker as well. I know lame excuse.


So, how did you manage it? And how are you going to cope with Christmas?


Edit: the GTR would be a big incentive for me :)

Edited by Kraziekatz1
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Do people generally drink that much then? I mean, I'll have a glass of wine with dinner 2 or 3 times a week, and maybe a proper session once every 4 months with friends, but that's about it. Certainly nothing I'd ever consider heavy, like having a bottle of wine every night or going out on a bender all weekend.

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Do people generally drink that much then? I mean, I'll have a glass of wine with dinner 2 or 3 times a week, and maybe a proper session once every 4 months with friends, but that's about it. Certainly nothing I'd ever consider heavy, like having a bottle of wine every night or going out on a bender all weekend.

I'm Italian, I drink every day!

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Brilliant Flex, well done & really impressed with the black belt :) Would love to be a martial arts expert, it's on my to do list lol


I keep pretty healthy, eat well and do lots of exercise but I do drink more than I should, and exactly as you said above, it is habit/way to unwind after bad day at work and far too easy to do. I've done 12 months booze free, twice now (basically because I had to). But the past year I have definitely drunk too much :( I did try to do a charity no drinking thing for a month earlier this year but picked a really bad month and failed miserably after about 9 days. Problem is I'm not sure I want to stop drinking completely, quite enjoy a nice glass of wine, good beer or a mojito :) I would like to cut down though.....but it's difficult when you're other half's a drinker as well. I know lame excuse.


So, how did you manage it? And how are you going to cope with Christmas?


Edit: the GTR would be a big incentive for me :)


Will power worked sometimes but on the whole wasnt enough, so I went to a therapist, talked me through why I wanted to drink and used hypno too.


It was actually quite liberating to be able to talk about stuff that perhaps wouldnt be able to with friends and family. A real eye opener for me.


A friend of mine said that he wanted to cut down and would rather do it through willpower. At the time I thought he had a good point but then I thought actually it took some guts for me to go see someone!


People make excuses all the time, like oh I dont drink too much and it's only one or two a few times a week (probably more), you know that's fine, if they're truely happy.


I just wanted to do something about it.

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I stopped drinking for 2 years which I started in my final year of uni! Helped me massively to focus on my dissertation and having more free time to get stuff done than hanging. I now drink every now and again, never feel the NEED to drink, but it's nice when on a night out with friends. Having come off a bodybuilding competition diet I'd much rather enjoy eating all the rich food I couldn't before rather than get wasted :)

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I have forced sobriety while I'm away at work, so that's 6 months of the year taken care of... however I have been known to make up for it in my time off!! During my last field break though, I only had a drink 3 nights out of 21, and I felt AMAZING for it!! Coupled that with working out and eating healthy and it did wonders for me. I just wish I could get addicted to feeling good in that way rather than drinking and feeling like crap!! Well done on 4 months though, and long may it last!

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Nope. Everything in moderation, including moderation.


I personally think, and I don't mean this specifically at you or as an insult at all mate, that if people start needing to quit something altogether then they were probably at the point where they were going to have a real problem with it. Applies equally to drinking as it does to smoking or drugs or masturbation, or whatever.


^^^^^ Chuckled at this ^^^^^


Smoking ...........17 Sept 2006

Booze .............. 17 Sept 2015

Drugs ............... never started

Masturbation ... redface3.gif ... beerbang.gif

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Nope. Everything in moderation, including moderation.


I personally think, and I don't mean this specifically at you or as an insult at all mate, that if people start needing to quit something altogether then they were probably at the point where they were going to have a real problem with it. Applies equally to drinking as it does to smoking or drugs or masturbation, or whatever.

Been teetotal for 3 years. Stressed to hell. Never had a good old hangover day on the couch. No alcohol to sterilise my body. Ill all the time.


3 fags a day and a ruck of booze and I've never been so fit and healthy!!!




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After reading this I was almost on the brink of giving up, but then I remembered that Friends episode when 'fun Boby' stops drinking........

:lol: love Friends. Think I've watched them all several times over.



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When I was 20, I went to a party, drunk far too much, threw up in a bucket in front of my friends mum, passed out, woke up in my van almost frozen to death (it was XMas eve). I didn't even know where I was but somehow found my way home (12 miles!! :scare: ), parked up at home, did the falling asleep/freezing routine again, dragged myself into bed then my parents woke me an hour later and dragged me off to my uncles for XMas lunch....felt ill for 2 whole days. Never again I said and have stuck to it since then. I was in a way quite lucky because I never liked beer anyway :lol: .


Nowadays I might drink a glass of wine 2 or 3 times a year and maybe a glass of shandy on the odd occasion. I do however drink a hell of a lot of tea :),



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I agree with the everything in moderation. Ok, well maybe not the masterbation bit but my excuse is its good for the prostrate and if you don't keep it active, then that's when you get problems. An expert on prostrates told me that. So lots of masterbation, lots of tomatoes and limit the amount of dairy and red meat :)


I've never found anything addictive. Could smoke and then just stop and drink and not feel the urge to keep drinking. Ive have period in life where everything revolves around drink and I've seen a lot of friends become obsessed with it and it's ruined things for them. They simply can't leave the house without at some point stopping for a drink. Ended up resenting them as they ruined and wasted so much.


I don't drink much but enjoy the odd Guinness, some Jap beers and whisky. I tend to drink whisky to relax and help me sleep but it got to the point where I would be drinking a pints worth and nothing happening so I gave up that idea. Probably went back to wanking :)

Edited by Linus27
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I accidentally gave up drinking regularly, just stop buying booze during big shop and didn't really miss it. Certainly not in the morning getting up for work. Though I do like to do things properly when I do get together with mates once a month or so.


Not sure if that makes a problem binge drinker? For the life of me I can't find a way of rationalising that little and often, is better than infrequent and large :lol:

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I agree with the everything in moderation. Ok, well maybe not the masterbation bit but my excuse is its good for the prostrate and if you don't keep it active, then that's when you get problems. An expert on prostrates told me that. So lots of masterbation, lots of tomatoes and limit the amount of dairy and red meat :)


I've never found anything addictive. Could smoke and then just stop and drink and not feel the urge to keep drinking. Ive have period in life where everything revolves around drink and I've seen a lot of friends become obsessed with it and it's ruined things for them. They simply can't leave the house without at some point stopping for a drink. Ended up resenting them as they ruined and wasted so much.


I don't drink much but enjoy the odd Guinness, some Jap beers and whisky. I tend to drink whisky to relax and help me sleep but it got to the point where I would be drinking a pints worth and nothing happening so I gave up that idea. Probably went back to wanking :)

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I think people either have an addictive personality or they dont.


I can take it or leave it with alcohol. If from tomorrow i never had another drop until the day i died, it wouldn't bother me. I never drink on a school night as i can't be bothered with hangovers, but when i do have a drink, i hit it pretty hard. I'll go through phases... maybe 6 months barely having a drop but then usually (around this time of year) it seems like i'm on it every weekend.


Smoking too... i enjoy a cigar on occasion and i've got a well-stocked humidor, but but i never feel compelled to have one. I have maybe 1 every 4-6 weeks with a few glasses of red perhaps.


The only thing i've ever struggled with is caffeine. I became dependant on coffee to the point i'd have a migraine if i didnt get my daily fix. I've also suffered with red bull, needing to have 1-2 cans of that every morning on my drive to work. But 3 years ago i went cold turkey and quit, only drinking decaff now. It's now gone the other way, and even if i have just 1 instant coffee i get a migraine!

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Alcohol's an odd one, I'm like Marz, it wouldn't bother me if I never had to drink it again.

Not one for going out on town etc, used to, and If I did I'd 'hit it hard'

but I never buy any beers 'just to stock up the fridge'


Although my dentist has said I have to stop drinking coke...just drink Water/Milk/Beer :lol:



I miss red bull soooo much :(

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