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been having a scout about ebay for some turbo ideas, and i like the look of the turbonetics kit. read a review and seems not too bad, the only downside is would need to buy something like emanage to rub it as we cant have the ecu reflashed, but on the whole seems like a good kit, especially for future upgrades.


http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Turbonet ... enameZWD1V


but i also see a few greddy kits for a similar price.


http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Nissan-3 ... enameZWD1V


http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/GReddy-B ... enameZWD1V


one of them is single turbo, one is twin turbo.


now, the greddy kit comes with emanage and i'm assuming everything else included with the turbonetics kit, but its lacking an intercooler, not a huge problem but a problem all the same.


so, for the same money, what is best? does anyone run any of these systems? wouldn't be looking to run huge boost, so just purely interested on the kits themselves, not internal work, that'd be hand in hand with future upgrades, thanks :thumbs:

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Guest prescience

Honestly, you should pop over to the FI forum on my350z; there are no shortcuts and cheap solutions. It took me 6 months, worth it in the end but u can and should be better educated than your uk installers - at least technically :)

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Guest prescience
  MartinGT said:
oh well thats greddy out the window :lol:


surely running a simple kit like the turbonetics with low boost would be an easy task?


or would i just be better off buying a s/c kit and being content with that :)

Honestly my friend, i know it sounds like a cop-out but you will know so much more and feel so much the better for educating yourself.


Or if you can't be arsed, buy a Vortech S/C and PM me :teeth::teeth::teeth:

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Guest prescience
  MartinGT said:
i can't be arsed :lol:


not a fan of vortech stuff, are there any roots superchargers for a z?

stillen -


and do you have any idea whatsoever what you want and what is available for the z :lol:

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more power. i get bored easily with standard cars to be honest.


i have a reasonable knowledge of both turbocharging and supercharging cars, i just have no idea whats available for the z, and like someone else said in another topic, the forums are 95% crap.


in my eyes i see s/c kit as a much easier option, and yes the vortech kit is ok, i knew someone with it on a b series civic, but i prefer the roots superchargers. vortech could be an option though, i'm only baseing my views on what i've seen on other cars.


will have a look for stillen just now.

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Guest prescience
  MartinGT said:
more power. i get bored easily with standard cars to be honest.


i have a reasonable knowledge of both turbocharging and supercharging cars, i just have no idea whats available for the z, and like someone else said in another topic, the forums are 95% crap.


in my eyes i see s/c kit as a much easier option, and yes the vortech kit is ok, i knew someone with it on a b series civic, but i prefer the roots superchargers. vortech could be an option though, i'm only baseing my views on what i've seen on other cars.


will have a look for stillen just now.


You have a big 3.5l motor - so a belt-driven S/C is so much the better choice over a roots, surely?? Well, imo,it's a no-brainer.


Anyway, go TT if you can summon the cash :):)

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Guest prescience
  MartinGT said:
i do need advice, don't take the hump. the stillen kit is belt driven also.


i had a look more in depth to the vortech kit and it looks a bit better thought out than the b series kit. maybe worth looking into further.

You're right but usually it's not perceived as a slave belt-driven kit. if you have the dosh, go APS TT however, it's prob. about 8k vs 5k - or wait like me, for the GT-R :teeth:


The Vortech is very tuneable if you're into that, whereas the Stillen, although it uses the same SplitSec EMS, is not at all

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i had a fascination with superchargers for a while so i'd love one.


the vortech kit is £3150 from the uk supplier, which is kinda tempting!


so the vortech comes with management...didnt realise that. it'll need some sort of setting up, the vortech kit doesnt really give much info :(

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Guest prescience
  MartinGT said:
i had a fascination with superchargers for a while so i'd love one.


the vortech kit is £3150 from the uk supplier, which is kinda tempting!


so the vortech comes with management...didnt realise that. it'll need some sort of setting up, the vortech kit doesnt really give much info :(

the stock map is as safe as can be - 9.9 AFR at full boost :wacko: ridiculous, but dynos at 395 crank - tune as you wish, 11s must nett you 425 but too brave for me

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so it really just "Plug and play", so to speak? surely the fuel over here throws it out?


vortech runs 9psi? have you had any problems with the 5th and 6th piston (been reading some threads on here). does the plenum spacer save your bacon @ 9psi?


sounds too good to be true.


from what i can gather, a vortech kit, plenum spacer and an exhaust and its good to go?

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Guest prescience
  MartinGT said:
so it really just "Plug and play", so to speak? surely the fuel over here throws it out?


vortech runs 9psi? have you had any problems with the 5th and 6th piston (been reading some threads on here). does the plenum spacer save your bacon @ 9psi?


sounds too good to be true.


from what i can gather, a vortech kit, plenum spacer and an exhaust and its good to go?


I'd recommend a plenum spacer or, as I did a Kinetix plenum. It is literally plug and play because the stock map is so conservative on fuel and timing - I think it pulls 10degs timing at redline and AFR is high-9 or low-10. Install time is about 8 hours

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