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Political correctness gone mad!


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Look at it this way: Do they spend hours trying to figure out a way to be precise about what defines a workplace, costing the taxpayer a fortune, or do they just make it a bit obtuse on the basis no-ones ever going to be prosecuted for it?


Of course banning vaping at home is silly, but for the workplace it's a good idea and this is the easiest way to achieve it.

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  On 11/11/2015 at 21:48, Ekona said:

Look at it this way: Do they spend hours trying to figure out a way to be precise about what defines a workplace, costing the taxpayer a fortune, or do they just make it a bit obtuse on the basis no-ones ever going to be prosecuted for it?


Neither. Or rather both. They'll suggest a bit of obtuse legislation and then spend months/years bickering amongst themselves about it, generating arguments for, arguments against and then trying to persuade the general public why they are right and the others are wrong at the taxpayers expense. Only to then spend more months figuring out a precise definition of a workplace... which will be wrong and then further expense will be spent on repeating the whole process on each of those 8706 loopholes one at a time. Meanwhile, no one will give a toss what the law says and they'll do whatever they want anyway.


Typical politics really.

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  On 11/11/2015 at 22:31, coldel said:

Or they could spend their time on something actually important and meaningful?


Unfortunately I don't think they know how!

I despair at the way this world is going, we are most definitely heading faster and faster to our own exstinction......by stupidity!

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I don't think it falls under political correctness gone mad but it is certainly nanny state gone mad. The increase in frequency of creating legislation has gone berserk in the last 30 years. Particularly the knee jerk stuff. A plane is flown into a moutain by a madman, new regulations are rushed out. Obesity is on the rise, new labelling and rules on advertising are dished out. Vaping expands exponentially, restrictions are dreamed up. To name a few of the most recent hot topics.


It's not one particular party or another, it's a change in culture; partly IMO due to the explosion in instant, always on access to media and the associated opinions and also an abdication of responsiblity away from the person. "I did X, it was wrong, I knew it, but it was because of Y. I am a victim too, Where's my compo from Q?"


Event A happens, initial outrage/concern, person/people group B are found to be responsbile, people in charge of regulating environment where Event A occurred are under enourmous pressure to react and/or legislate or be labelled "soft on A". The excitement around legal highs is a classic contemporary example, no one can just say no to them and be responsilbe for thier own decisions, it needs a law to be made for each new one that appears, or the government is "soft on drugs".


Next time there's an election, watch out for the dramatic increase in "public service/awareness advertising", reminding people how good a job the government is doing. Between Q4 2014 and Q1 2015, advertising spending by some departments rocketed from £2m pcm to £10m pcm. That's not a dig at the Tory/Lib Dem coalition, because this is a cross-party issue and something that's sadly here to stay.

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Yeah, that's where the state falls foul of its own altruistic intentions. "We don't want to ban things outright chaps, you know these fags/booze/unhealthy foods? They do chip in a few quid."


Plus it's not like prohibiting anything popular has ever actually made consumers take a long, hard look at themselves and quit :lol: . It just drives prices up, activity goes out of the sight of the tax man and into organised crime. Prohibition was a good idea in the US for all of about 5 minutes, the war on drugs has been being lost for at least 30 years and prostitution has been around since currency was invented! :shrug:

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