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...Russia and the IAAF, of course Russia just say they don't agree and its politically motivated but I think this time they won't be able to scare people off - the report is astonishing, damning. Who know's how far this goes, certainly you would think this will overlap with FIFA and the world cup awards.

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5 gold medals at the 2012 olympics from athletes that should not have been there...can only imagine what the other two who should have been one step up and the fourth who never made the podium are thinking right now. We all know Russia bribe and cheat, unfortunately its a way of life at the top of Russian politics and business, but so far no organisation has been able to throw it in their face and action upon it, hopefully the IAAF can now.

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While I don't doubt that the stuff about the Russians is true, I feel like they'll be made a scapegoat of, then the sport's wider doping and corruption issues will be swept under the rug. As an ex-cycling fan, I've seen it all before and I'm hugely cynical about professional sports as a result.

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Absolutely, this report is specifically in response to the German report. But, its pathetic that in the face of such compelling evidence Russia just say 'none of its true' but there is stage two to come on this yet and I don't car even if the UK are implicated that every last cheat is rooted out. FIFA has been a bad egg for years but no one was big enough to take it on, the scary end game is that every sport globally is heavily tainted by drug taking and that in most cases its paid up for and covered up...

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I was hoping that when The Soviet Union collapsed that they would enter the family of nations but sadly nothing has really changed. Outside of Africa it's the most corrupt country in the world, a country that sponsors murder and jails people for their sexuality and their political views. It's been fairly obvious for decades that The Russians have been serial cheaters in most sports but Athletics is their main focus for cheating. It's something that is still a major problem for countries that were once part of the Soviet Union too, like Belarus, Ukraine. Kazakhstan and the other smaller "Stans". Back in the 70's and 80's it was also endemic in countries in The Soviet sphere, East Germany was the main culprit but Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland all had state sponsored cheating. Just look at the women's world records in Athletics, nearly all of them were set in the 1980's and have never been approached since. Despite documented proof when East Germany collapsed the IAAF have consistently refused to delete these records. Not just in Athletics either, swimming, rowing, weightlifting have all been tainted by Russian cheating, I can even remember one Russian fencer who rigged up a device to his foil to register none existant hits in the Olympics. The only sport they have failed in is football, a sport in which you actually need some talent.


Of course, every country in the world has cheats, In The U.S.A for example it's well known that sprinters have been cheating for years, Carl Lewis, yes he's a cheater who won 4 Olympic titles on the run. In Kenya, Jamaica, Turkey, Italy and a few other countries cheating is widespread but Russia takes it to a completely different level. What the outcome will be is anyone's guess but The IAAF should stick to its guns, either accept there's a problem and fix it or face becoming the pariahs of international sport.


The report wasn't complete, 2 sections are under investigation by Interpol and I'm sure they'll turn up more corruption and bribery. Claiming its all a Western plot, their usual mantra just isn't going to work this time and the sooner they man up to it the better.



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Shock news, Russia is full of crooks. So is most of the Eastern bloc, but hey ho.


Can't say I'm that bothered, seeing as how Russia don't win everything anyway they're clearly not cheating hard enough :lol:

This is how I feel about it. Big deal. Far more important things to worry about than people cheating by running from A to B. And anyway, why would Russia want to "sabotage" the London Olympics? I must've missed something.

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I guess for me of all sports Athletics should be the most pure. Its the basics of human ability, being able to run long and short distances in the shortest time, throwing stuff, jumping stuff its all the basics of the human body's capability. A single person running 100m faster than anyone else on Earth, that's incredible.


Then to have 'state sponsored' cheating, how can you even sit around a table with leaders of a country who actively encourage wide spread corruption? Yes Carl Lewis etc were cheating but I suspect it wasn't signed off by the government.

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I think they should just have separate races/classes for people who take performance enhancing drugs. Watching a man sprint 100 metres in 7 seconds? That would be amazing! Ok, he dies at the end from cardiac arrest, but he still got the record right?! Olympic wrestling with people openly on 'roids?! It would be like robot wars! Doping is good! From a spectators point of view anyway :lol: It then also opens the door to people with bionics, "welcome to the bionics javelin, Litvinjenko is about to throw! Oh god, he's just killed a woman in morrisons car park half a mile away!"

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Well thats the catch, you are punishing innocent athletes for the behaviour of a number of individuals. Then again English clubs were banned from Europe in football because of a minority not the majority.


I think it needs a ban of no length of time until Russia can under strenuous independent testing prove that they have done something about the corruption, not just stoically sat there and stuck two fingers up at the world again. In a rare instance, they do not hold all the cards on this one.

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True, that would work, but then why would athletes bother training for competitions that they know they cannot enter? You'd kill athletics in Russia in one swoop.


It's a horrible problem to have. I wouldn't like to be Seb right now, that's for sure.

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It wouldnt kill it, but it would set it back, which is a shame for those innocent parties concerned but it should serve as the kick up the backside for the system for systematically cheating every other athlete globally out of deserved success. JEH should have an olympic gold from her home olympics in 2012, but she hasn't, something you strive for all your life taken because of a corrupt system. I think we need to take a view from the victims of this who are the global athletic community.

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Yes Carl Lewis etc were cheating but I suspect it wasn't signed off by the government.


Not the government, that's true but he tested positive more than once and it was covered up by USADA , the American drug testing agency. Not just him either, several high profile athletes also tested positive, Marion Jones being one of them although she was eventually brought down. The sad part about the whole thing is that the Eastern Block mentality still exists and The Russians don't think they're doing anything wrong. By trying to promote their country through sport they're doing the image of Russia massive damage.



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I find it really childish that a country's government will conspire to cheat to try and win at any cost. What's the point in winning if you never really did? I just don't get it at all. Plus the fact that most nations suspect they have been cheating anyway makes it even more arse backwards. It's like a glorified school sports day with a hell of a lot of money chucked at it. Pathetic.

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The Jamaicans dont test in off season ....... and win everything they enter. Coincidence?


A mate of mine was a International level powerlifter, he had a pretty meteoric rise until he became UK under 23 champion ........ and then he stopped. I asked him why, as he obviously had a lot of talent, and he said it was simply because the juice was legal in European and World competition, and as someone who refused to use it he wouldnt be able to get close to the top.


Thats bloody sad if you ask me.

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The Jamaicans dont test in off season ....... and win everything they enter. Coincidence?


A mate of mine was a International level powerlifter, he had a pretty meteoric rise until he became UK under 23 champion ........ and then he stopped. I asked him why, as he obviously had a lot of talent, and he said it was simply because the juice was legal in European and World competition, and as someone who refused to use it he wouldnt be able to get close to the top.


Thats bloody sad if you ask me.


It is. Such a shame that people give up on a sport due to cheating.

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