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Benazir Bhutto (Pakistan ex PM) assasinated !


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Future of Pakistan looks grim :dry: May God rest her soul.


Such an influential woman who Im sure would of done her father proud by continuing his work for the good of Pakistan. Better still having a lady as PM would of shown the strict muslims that women are equal to man and should be treated as so.


Cant believe this has happened, so gutted and sad.


Im sure there will be many speculations that Musharraf set up her killing, after all it was by a supporter of his party, and he has not called of the 8th of Jan, plus given his military background. But then who are we to judge. Funny how she was way in the lead on votes, so much so that it would of been virtually impossible for Musharraf to regain any strong position before the final day of election



Pakistan is set for a very miserable future under the strict hand of militants determining their agendas :dry:

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Pray God you can cope.

I stand outside this womans work,

This womans world.

Ooh, its hard on the man,

Now his part is over.

Now starts the craft of the father.


I know you have a little life in you yet.

I know you have a lot of strength left.

I know you have a little life in you yet.

I know you have a lot of strength left.


I should be crying, but I just cant let it show.

I should be hoping, but I cant stop thinking


Of all the things I shouldve said,

That I never said.

All the things we shouldve done,

That we never did.

All the things I shouldve given,

But I didnt.


Oh, darling, make it go,

Make it go away.


Lyrics - Kate Bush - This Womans Work


Seems somehow appropriate..

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