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My first love has passed away :(


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Genuinely gutted, my first serious girlfriend has passed away. I can't believe how hard it's hit me and maybe there's something to be said for the first true love of your life. I've not even spoken to her in over 25 years but I suppose it's a life event that sticks with you.Crazy.


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The first girl I ever kissed with true feeling was when we were both at school and quite young (13-ish). It only lasted a month and we never thought too much of it after that and went our separate ways for many years, in fact never really spoke (although I still thought she was hot). She died in a RTA when I was about 21.

I'm early 50's now and passed by the church where she was buried recently. The grave is still there, snoopy carved into it, looking forgotten and a little overgrown and I found that quite personally moving. Its weird, sometimes we invite sadness perhaps so we can test how we feel about it.

Even when we knew someone so long ago and it means nothing to our current lives, it can evoke some strong feelings. I've always wondered if its more a man thing. My wife doesn't seem bothered by old flames but I never forget them - I just prioritise her much higher.

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My first proper long(ish) time girlfriend from almost 40 years ago found me on Dooshbook a few years ago. Was really good to have a good old catch up having not spoken or even heard of her in all that time but unfortunately it came to an abrupt end when the wife insisted that I unfriend her (and then had a right strop with me because I told said ex girlfriend why I was unfriending her) .... :dry:

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After reading the first post in this thread I decided to track down the first love of my life. We were together from 1970 when she was 17 through to 1975 when we split up. I'd had no contact since 1980 and although she had occasionally contacted my parents up until 1984 or 85 I knew almost nothing about her situation. I only knew that she had married someone I knew in the 70's (although I didn't know who it was) but nothing more. So the search began, several hours later I'd found her married name but drew a blank after that. I had no idea where she lived but concentrated on the area she used to live in. After much googling I was stunned to find out that she had passed away in 2004 aged just 51. TBH, I've just felt empty all day, although she had a longstanding and painful illness (R.A) it wasn't in any way life threatening, she didn't smoke or drink and in her youth was an international level swimmer. I have no idea if she ever had children, I may investigate this at a later time, but I've got a good idea who she married.


BTW, if any of you have seen the recent pic of my Lotus Europa, she's the one standing next to me.


Thanks for reading



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