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  On 30/09/2015 at 18:48, DoogyRev said:
  On 30/09/2015 at 18:33, DoogyRev said:
  On 30/09/2015 at 18:28, grahamc said:

Yes of course I have.... GTR at 100mph into a metal barrier, I dont see any flames, in fact I believe the drive walks away from the crash.



As mentioned above , , your car will only burst in to flames if it hits a tree :fishslap:




Sorry I am wrong . . GTR's will just catch fire on their own with out actually crashing in to anything :lol:




Set fire to the car by sheer braking force ;) love it!!

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Porsche's response, taken from a website. Uh oh.... Dan might burst into flames when he hears about the tyres :lol:



"Porsche officials have replied to Meadow Rain Walker regarding her decision to sue the German automaker.

It was only yesterday when we found out Paul Walker's daughter Meadow Rain is suing Porsche and now the Stuttgart-based sportscar manufacturer has released an official response in a statement provided to Entertainment Weekly: “as we have said before, we are very sad whenever anyone is hurt in a Porsche vehicle, but we believe the authorities' reports in this case clearly establish that this tragic crash resulted from reckless driving and excessive speed."

This statement comes as a reply after Meadow Rain Walker's lawyer said "the vehicle lacked safety features that are found on well-designed racing cars or even Porsche's least expensive road cars - features that could have prevented the accident or, at a minimum, allowed Paul Walker to survive the crash."

That being said, Porsche's engineers conducted a thorough investigation after the crash and found out the "vehicle had been altered from its original design state and had not been maintained properly." In addition, Porsche also discovered the Carrera GT supercar had nine-year-old tires while the police investigation concluded that Roger Rodas was doing approximately 93 mph (150 km/h) in a 45 mph (72 km/h) area."

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  On 30/09/2015 at 20:28, grahamc said:
  On 30/09/2015 at 18:36, Ekona said:

This is ridiculous. I genuinely cannot tell if you actually believe the tripe you're spouting, or if you're trolling me hard.


He binned a car at 90mph into a tree. A solid tree. It's not realistic in the slightest to expect to walk away from that at all, regardless of car. Sure, it can happen, but then people die after crashes at half the speed too. It was a crappy sequence of events (wrong speed, wrong thing to hit, wrong angle to hit it at etc) that led to the car going up in flames. That's it. End of. No one else to blame, no fault on Porsche, just a crappy thing that happens.


I can't understand how someone as clearly intelligent as yourself cannot see that. It's like finding out Stephen Hawking believes in the tooth fairy.


No he didnt.... he was the passenger!


So you are now the be all and end all of everything and I cannot have an opinion??? How far up your own ass are you?


  On 30/09/2015 at 18:38, Ekona said:



Oh look, a GT-R got set on fire after the driver was acting like a berk! They're clearly not safe! Let's sue Nissan!



You see how silly this looks?


Fire and rescue were called, but at NO point do they state the car caught fire....... It rolled over a few times and spread debris over 200 yards.


Who looks silly now?????

How's the view with those pretty rose tints on.
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Please explain how my view is rose tinted


I crash is not in question, being stupid, old tyres, whatever else.... That is drivers fault. No question. But what is being questioned is whether those deaths were necessary. How is that not a valid question?


If all they have is "it should have had traction control" then no chance.... But if things like the seatbelt caused significant injury, enough to stop them getting out the car or if safety features on the fuel system were ignored or corners cut then it's a different story.


Porsche has had road at and race cars burst into flames at relative low speeds, this is not a first for them.


How else is his daughter supposed to get answers??? Go through Porsche.... Please!! They would just try and cover their own butts!! Independent review and if she has to go to court to get it, then I have no problems with it.

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Every other manufacturer in the world has had cars that caught on fire, both through crashes and also via other issues (electrical is the most common one). Every manufacturer. Every. Single. One.


The car passed the safety tests. The police saw no reason to look any further after the crash. Why on earth would there be any need to carry out any further tests on this? Car driven like a knob = hits solid object = occupants dead. This is not an uncommon occurrence, in the US or the UK or anywhere in the world.

Edited by Ekona
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I mean, do we have to go back to every single car crash ever and send it off for independent tests? Where do you draw the line?



This is a feeding frenzy for the lawyers, that's it. If there's any one to blame it's the driver, so why is the family not suing his estate?

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  On 01/10/2015 at 09:06, Ekona said:

Car driven like a knob = hits solid object = occupants dead.


Is this not the question that is being asked though, the impact did not kill him, the fire did?


By no means playing devils advocate here, to me, this was an accident and a freak set of circumstances that led to the fire, no manufacturer can test every possible scenario of a crash as you say.


Its tragic and massively unfortunate, digging it all up though will do no good to Meadow and her future life though imho.

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I agree. It could be more than likely lawyers pushing for it but if it was your parent(s) and you were not happy with what you were being told.... What would you do?


Exactly the question Jetpilot, were the injuries and fire just part of the crash? If so, fine tragic accident, but damn well has the right to ask or question the facts given!!

Edited by grahamc
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It seems to be the way of the world (particularly in the US), everyone wants to apportion blame onto someone else,


have you had an accident at work


have you been hurt in a road accident


blah blah blah


there is no accounting for, have you had an accident at work because you were reading a text and not paying attention, perhaps hungover from the night before (probably sill drunk) etc


Sure its fair to ask the question, but in reality, what can you expect when said car hits a tree at 90mph+, no one is to blame apart from the driver imho, unless it was mechanical failure that caused the crash.


I am not sure how Porsche can test for such a scenario, it would be impossible to test under the exact circumstances, impact speed, angle of impact, condition of car etc


Maybe you could say some fire prevention measures could be incorporated, good idea, but if that part had literally gone awol amongst the other debris, what good would that be if it was going off some 100 yards away from the car?


Petrol and a spark wont ever be a good combination and its simply unavoidable if the worst case scenario happens, which is exactly how i view the above.


Before anyone mentions ev's, if you have never seen a Lipo go up when punctured, you should ;)

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Completely and chances are that it was just a tragic accident. I don't want to see this becoming a case just to get a settlement out of Porsche. But if there was something fundamentally wrong then Porsche should be pulled up on it.


We all know that companies will consider risk VS cost and decide whether it's worth doing....

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This is what i find strange, she does not need a settlement from Porsche, she no doubt is a very very wealthy girl, hence why i can help but think its a lawyer fuelled frenzy as in reality, they will win regardless and whatever the outcome, it still aint bringing her daddy back :(

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  On 01/10/2015 at 11:23, Jetpilot said:

This is what i find strange, she does not need a settlement from Porsche, she no doubt is a very very wealthy girl, hence why i can help but think its a lawyer fuelled frenzy as in reality, they will win regardless and whatever the outcome, it still aint bringing her daddy back :(



  On 29/09/2015 at 10:01, Ekona said:

Blame the lawyers, they're the ones that put the idea in her head, promise.





35 Posts later and we finally get there :p

Edited by grundy225
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  On 01/10/2015 at 08:56, grahamc said:
How else is his daughter supposed to get answers???


If her question is "how did my old man die?" then the answer is "by driving into a tree at 90mph" you dont need Porsche to answer that one.


If her question is "Could Porsche have reasonably been expected to do more to prevent this kind of incident?" then the answer is "No, Porsche do not design cars to be driven into trees at 90mph"


Heres a question for you Graham, in 2013 over 32,000 people died in the USA as a result of car accidents. Why didnt we have 32,000 law suits claiming the cars werent safe for purpose? Why is this one different?


Is it because shes rich, and he was famous perhaps?

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9 year old tyres... oof. I'm no expert (Dan please step in) but is 9 year old tyres safe? Whats the shelf life of a tyre. People need to drive more...use the tyres... just not in the way this was done...obviously.

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I don't know what to think. On the one hand it is unfortunate how those two men died and a daughter has lost a father. As angry and bitter as she may be, and feeling the need to blame someone for this, sometimes you just have to chalk it up to the fact that, it was just a tragic accident. Bitter pill to swallow i'm sure but suing Porsche won't bring him back and it won't change the regulations to how safety is measured on such cars. If a man who smokes in the states can sue Marlboro for him getting cancer, I wouldn't be that surprised if she wins this case.

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  On 01/10/2015 at 22:30, AMT said:

9 year old tyres... oof. I'm no expert (Dan please step in) but is 9 year old tyres safe? Whats the shelf life of a tyre. People need to drive more...use the tyres... just not in the way this was done...obviously.

No, I wouldn't use 9 year old tyres either, however Michelin actually recommend a 10 year changing regime. I've copied this next section from the 911-UK website, where they had a Q&A with Michelin UK Technical Manager Jamie McWhir last month (FYI I've edited the formatting to make it easier to read):


Michelin recommend changing tyres if they get to 10 years old (and inspect them annually after 5 years old, but this is normal at an MOT) as you'll naturally see some drop in compound grip as the tyre ages, but it's not massive. Age effects are much more rapid with a tyre once it's fitted and run.

A new tyre with a production date that's a couple of years old is not even remotely a worry. We (and I know most other manufacturers are the same) have very defined storage procedures where the tyres aren't exposed to sunlight and warehouse temps are kept stable.

With many niche sizes as some Porsches are, we don't make tyres every week so it's often the case that ages aren't very recent, so if you follow these guidelines you'll be fine.

Would a set that's 10 years old be "off"? No, but the chances are that tyre will have been replaced with a newer better tyre so for improved safety grip and performance, especially with a high performance car, replacing them is sensible idea.



The tyres the CGT originally came on were part of the reason the car was tricky on the limit as they weren't great (along with the geometry and the ceramic clutch, amongst others), and owners are reporting vastly increased control by running MPSS on them now. That's the difference that Jamie refers to in his last sentence.

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It truly is an idiot nation. People can't seem to be held accountable for their own actions.


But who should really be to blame for that? The idiots that sue these companies, or the system that allows them to?

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