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personal accident & insurance


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just thought i would post on here before contacting my insurance company so hopefully i know where i stand,


4 weeks ago i had an accident i came away with 3 broken ribs a broken collar bone a collapsed lung 3 broken bones in my face and some bruising to the brain,on leaving hospital it was made clear to me that i would need to stop driving for six months due to the "brain injury"also this was said again when visiting my gp

i just wondered if any members would have any advise on this (hopefully not through personal experience)


many thanks


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I would advise against speaking to your insurers, but then I would also make sure 100% that I'd got the all clear from the docs before driving again. Not that you wouldn't, I just mean get it in writing.


Hope you're on the mend now, sounds like it must've been a horrendous accident!

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If you do have an accident again, the insurers may ask to see your medical records. So be careful. DVLA seem to have an automatic right to your records if I'm reading it right.

When I had a suspected stroke they told me not to drive for 6 months. Luckily the tests finally came back that it was a aura migraine (thank Odin!)

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  On 15/09/2015 at 07:05, Juggalo said:

If you do have an accident again, the insurers may ask to see your medical records.

Which is exactly why I said what I said. If you don't drive again until passed fit, then there's no issue for the insurers to be worried about, and so I simply wouldn't make life more awkward for myself by telling them as that opens up a can of worms you do not want to be opening. Think cancelled insurance and possible significant premium increases for the next 5 years.

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May also be worth checking if you have personal accident cover included under your motor insurance policy. There may be benefits payable if there is temporary or permanent disablement (which I hope isn't the case), but if the worst occurs then this could be an avenue where you can get a benefit payment (E.g. £2,000 for loss of limb). Personal accident is a benefits policies so you do not need to provide negligence against a third party or claim off someone else.

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Can we confirm this was not a road traffic accident ?


I had a brain injury road traffic accident (not my car and I was not driving in 2003) I was stopped from driving for 5 months

I put my car onto third party fire and theft during this time.

My premiums did not increase when I was fit to drive again nor was I bombarded with a mass of medical questions


However as this as 12 years ago, so, I would also advise taking advice.

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I've just got the zed back on the road due to losing my license for a year due to medical reasons so that meant cancelling my insurance and now having a medical license. Over the year it was off the road I've done quite a few mods and my premium only went up by £20 so don't get too worried about it.

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hi all

All comments and input on this is much appriciated,and completley read through,thanks !

Just to confirm this was not a car accident it was due to a road bike (cycle)crash and no one else was involved,

Any idea where would be the best place to get advice,as i would really like to get back driving both the Zed and the use of a company car on occasions,

many thanks


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  On 15/09/2015 at 19:05, snoged said:

hi all

All comments and input on this is much appriciated,and completley read through,thanks !

Just to confirm this was not a car accident it was due to a road bike (cycle)crash and no one else was involved,

Any idea where would be the best place to get advice,as i would really like to get back driving both the Zed and the use of a company car on occasions,

many thanks



Have you got the details of the other parties insurance?

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ask the doc if there are any tests they can run so you can get back on the road. 6 months is a very long time to be grounded for can have massive knock on effects for many people who rely on daily transport.


my friend had a fit in the cinema, naturally the docs were worried it might be epilepsy so they ran a ton of tests on him and strongly recommended he not drive. all in all he was off the road for 8 weeks but he did eventually get the all clear. his work were very understanding and he had most of that time off sick. as more and more tests came back clear he eventually went back to work by getting a lift and did some light duties (no heavy machinery).


as much as this is a colossal pain in the arse the last thing you want is to blank out at the wheel and well, you know what the implications of that are. but i'd not just accept waiting 6 months to see what happens, i'd want them to test what they can.

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