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Selling bike... Test drive ideas..?


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I'd also insist they have full insurance.


Once sold also ensure you cancel your policy straight away. I remember a story about someone being killed after buying the bike and as they didn't have insurance but the seller did then the seller was liable.


Edit: just noticed Brillomaster had already pointed out insurance

Edited by Fodder
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As above really, although depends on how trusting you are. When I bought my Ducati 996 the other year, the seller happily let me take it out for a test ride without even looking at my license or me leaving him any cash as security. Maybe I looked the "trustworthy" type. As it was I ended up buying the bike for cash there & then after the ride.


From my side though, for me if I was selling, the buyer would have to leave me full amount in cash, and id want to see drivers license & proof he was insured to ride it. Id make it clear if he dropped it or damaged it, he wouldnt be getting his cash back.


The story about the bloke who didnt cancel his bike insurance policy, then the new buyer didnt insure it and stacked it killing someone I read about before and amazing as it seems the court ruled that the seller was liable as he still had insurance on the bike - even though it was no longer his bike. Made me think twice, as like most people, id probably sell the bike, then use that cash to buy another and then have the insurance swapped over - rather than cancel the insurance, loose out on that years ncb and incur admin fees, only then to have to setup a new policy a few weeks later. Something to think about.

Edited by rabbitstew
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When I sold mine I asked him to leave the cash whilst he went out, but I think in future I'll be checking for insurance because this week a woman got 6 points and £XXX fine for permitting someone to drive her car without insurance.

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