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Winter Wheels question.


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I was just wondering how many of you actually put the OEM wheels back on over the winter months. Also whats your thoughts on plasti dipping them with aerosol just for the winter then peel off when the weather is better. Anyone one here done this and what was the results like for dealing with winter contamination, salts etc etc.



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Thinking of putting my old rays back on over the winter, as I don't fancy subjecting my new wheels to all that road salt.

And around these outback roads they lay it down fairly thick and frequent.

I might get lazy though and not bother. We'll wait and see!

Plasti-dipping? try it and see what happens. Probably get a lot of chips in it, but would be easy enough to peel off on the OEM

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I've just bought new wheels for the beemer, and could very easily put winter tyres on the old 17s that are sitting in my attic not doing anything, but.... im not going to. I figure if it snows, I probably shouldn't be driving a 300bhp car anyways, and will probably borrow the missuses car, or get a lift from someone.


Winters aren't that bad round here, last winter I never had a problem, there was very little actual snow.

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I had plastidip on the wheels on my shed. Wasn't a great finish they always looked dirty lol but it lasted fine until I had a tyre changed then it started peeling


Not a bad idea for a polished lip etc through winter

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  On 24/08/2015 at 11:47, ZZZebady said:

I was just wondering how many of you actually put the OEM wheels back on over the winter months. Also whats your thoughts on plasti dipping them with aerosol just for the winter then peel off when the weather is better. Anyone one here done this and what was the results like for dealing with winter contamination, salts etc etc.





That is a great idea !!! :thumbs:


The salt on British roads is awful and absolutely kills polished rims

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