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  On 29/11/2016 at 14:44, rabbitstew said:
  On 29/11/2016 at 13:38, Strudul said:

Unflavoured Whey Concentrate, don't see the point spending more on isolate unless you have to.


Same here. Mix it with milk or water, add some creatine, maltodextrin or whatever else you want, and just neck it. Who cares what it tastes like, its not like your spending hours drinking it.

When you're spending upwards of £50-£60 a month on it or more then there is no reason why it has to taste like a glass of sick. :shrug:

Cardiff Sports Nutrition is my local go to place for this type of stuff and they're great as they were more than happy to let me try samples in their shop of lots of different shakes etc.


Some tasted vile and others were incredibly nice, ...with the vile ones doing the same job as the nice tasting ones I'd be mad not to go with the ones that tasted nice to me. ;)

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  On 29/11/2016 at 17:20, GMballistic said:

When you're spending upwards of £50-£60 a month on it or more then there is no reason why it has to taste like a glass of sick. :shrug:

Cardiff Sports Nutrition is my local go to place for this type of stuff and they're great as they were more than happy to let me try samples in their shop of lots of different shakes etc.


Some tasted vile and others were incredibly nice, ...with the vile ones doing the same job as the nice tasting ones I'd be mad not to go with the ones that tasted nice to me. ;)

What flavours are you trying?


If you stick to unflavoured and mix it with a decent ratio of milk it pretty much just tastes like milk (maybe with a hint of porridge). It's great for me, cos I love milk, though I can see why you'd be finicky if you don't like milk...

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  On 29/11/2016 at 18:02, Strudul said:

What flavours are you trying?


If you stick to unflavoured and mix it with a decent ratio of milk it pretty much just tastes like milk (maybe with a hint of porridge). It's great for me, cos I love milk, though I can see why you'd be finicky if you don't like milk...

No I love milk too and can drink loads of it flavoured or not, ...I'm finicky because I'm a fussy eater. :lol:


In the past I've had vanilla, strawberry, banana and chocolate flavoured protein shakes from several different manufacturers. Some of which tasted vile so after trying loads over the years I eventually settled on the Arnold Schwarzenegger whey protein shakes as for me I liked the taste best.


Each to their own though. :thumbs:

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  On 29/11/2016 at 13:48, GMballistic said:

I've used various stuff in the past but then started using Arnold Schwarzeneggers whey protein as I found it tasted the best. Was sick of forcing myself to drink these shakes that just tasted like ready mix concrete mixed with cat sick. :dry:





Just using Creatine nowadays though and trying to eat sensibly. ;)

I haven't tried this product before mainly because of the scandal with Muscle Farm ,have a read if interested



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  On 29/11/2016 at 22:08, TT350 said:

I've just had 3151 calories for dinner. 2x big macs. Large fries. Large coke. Whole tub of bailes haagen dazs.

Aahh in one meal, you've covered the 3 major food groups of any serious bodybuilder....salt, fat & sugar! And there I was feeling really guilty last night after I ate a Curly Wurly, YOU had a whole tub of ice cream!!!

Hang on a minute, Baileys Haagen Dazs? You told me you don't drink?! :p


Coming from a scientific background, I really don't rate the long term use of protein/whey drinks & supplements vs a good diet for sustained muscle development. It's a bit like dieters using weight loss pills, at the end of the day good diet & hardwork wins through every time. But I know you guys won't listen ;)

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  On 29/11/2016 at 22:08, TT350 said:

I've just had 3151 calories for dinner. 2x big macs. Large fries. Large coke. Whole tub of bailes haagen dazs.


OMG I'm currently on very low calaries as broke my toe and bad soulder so little I can do. I want that meal right now, although probably not the Baileys version. I have managed to lose 5lb over 2 weeks though. Killer though on 1k calories per day.

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Due to a ton of recent lower limb injuries I am now beasting myself on lower body strength. I do a little on the other key areas but not looking for huge strength anywhere other than my legs due to my line of work so do enough to keep myself ticking over. My leg strength has improved somewhat and I am now back squatting 160kg (1rep max) and this is also the same for front squat. My split squats are at 140kg (1 rep max). Hoping to improve these weights over the next few weeks which shouldnt be too hard. Deadlifts and RDL's are also coming coming along with drastic improvements on weight. Not quite as high as I want the weights as I have a glass back and so dont tend to lift the frequency I probably should.


What kind of footwear are people using for lifting? Ive currently got some Innovate Fastlifts and they have really improved my ability to lift. I use to have to chock my heels up with some 0.5kg weights to get the load more onto my heels to stop me loading through the knees. Form has majorly increased with these which has led to me being more efficient with my power on the lift up. Any body have experience with any other kind of lifting shoes?


Only supplements I use are CNP's recovery shakes that come pre-measured (just add water/milk) and they are fantastic. If I drop the ball and run out of these before Ive placed my next order I feel my recovery drastically affected so have to change my training to take this into account.

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  On 30/11/2016 at 13:13, Erni902 said:

What kind of footwear are people using for lifting? Ive currently got some Innovate Fastlifts and they have really improved my ability to lift. I use to have to chock my heels up with some 0.5kg weights to get the load more onto my heels to stop me loading through the knees. Form has majorly increased with these which has led to me being more efficient with my power on the lift up. Any body have experience with any other kind of lifting shoes?


Interesting stuff. I always deadlift / squat in just my socks. Dont wear anything as I find it affects my stability/balance. I did read tho that proper deadlift shoes have higher heals though for the reasons you mention. For normal working out I wear a pair of old combat boots.

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  On 30/11/2016 at 10:57, Kraziekatz1 said:

Coming from a scientific background, I really don't rate the long term use of protein/whey drinks & supplements vs a good diet for sustained muscle development. It's a bit like dieters using weight loss pills, at the end of the day good diet & hardwork wins through every time. But I know you guys won't listen ;)

Problem is getting your macros. It's so much cheaper and easier to have a protein shake than, say, chicken. If chicken was the same price, then maybe, but I don't fancy doubling my shopping bill.


It's also pretty hard to get enough creatine from food.


  On 30/11/2016 at 13:13, Erni902 said:

What kind of footwear are people using for lifting?

Usually just plimsolls. I like a thin sole, I really don't need the extra height and I feel more planted, so it's the next best thing to no shoes.

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Yeah I suppose it comes down to personal preference etc. I have tried lifting both in socks/barefoot and with thinner soled shoes such as plimsolls but I find my heels start to lift off the floor slightly and then my knee starts to bend inwards as the load is shifted forward and my form went to sh!t. Used the weights to start with and found it helpful so spent some money on shoes and now my heels stay planted and my knees are more easily forced outward and in line with the toes as opposed to collapsing inward or in front of the toes.


If I squat clean fatigue then it doesnt matter what footwear I am wearing my form is perfect. As soon as I add any weight (even just a 20kg bar) then I need my heels raised.

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Yeah to be honest with deadlift I do prefer to be flat, its more for the squats. Up until I got injured I didnt squat nearly enough to justify it, hell I think I squatted like a handful of times in my entire life. But during my rehab I had to build up my strength again so pretty much lived in the gym. Oh and a black Friday deal on the shoes made it worth it too haha.

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  On 30/11/2016 at 11:20, Flex said:
  On 29/11/2016 at 22:08, TT350 said:

I've just had 3151 calories for dinner. 2x big macs. Large fries. Large coke. Whole tub of bailes haagen dazs.


OMG I'm currently on very low calaries as broke my toe and bad soulder so little I can do. I want that meal right now, although probably not the Baileys version. I have managed to lose 5lb over 2 weeks though. Killer though on 1k calories per day.


1000 a day?! How the hell are you sticking to that?


Your body will think it's in famine and turn your metabolism right down. Are you not constantly in a bad mood?!



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  • 5 weeks later...

I've gotten down to a 32" waist now.


The only problem being my metabolism has cannibalised my muscle. My shoulders have really narrowed and my arms are just straight. No triceps very little biceps.


I have no appetite though. I may have to get a few 24 packs of Nourishment just so I can down them a few times a day.


I may take a course of Anavar for 12 weeks while I get back into lifting. I'm going to be kitten weak!


Also I found a well established Taekwondo club that rubs adult classes every day. I thought I may try that.


I hope you're all doing well my fellow iron worshippers. Summer IS on the way. And I need a vacation.

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Just finished my bulking phase just before christmas, hit 111.4kg.


Benching 220kg for 1 rep max, 250kg squats for 1 rep max and 300kg deadlifts for 1 rep max.


Still probably roughly 18 to 20% bodyfat though. Will be heading into my cutting phase in the next couple of weeks.


By the end of March I'm hoping to be 110kg at 8 to 10% body fat before i bulk again. Just hope i can retain at least 80% of my strength through cutting.


Will to what i can to head to 120kg though, so i can cut down to 110kg at 3 to 4% bodyfat for competition prep that i will be doing at the end of the year.


Will post some pics up, I was holding a lot of water at the time, this is before i came off my bulking phase.


15355794 10154338611697408 2996393239543257800 N


Leg pics is a few weeks after i injured my left knee, so haven't trained legs in a while, first time i was back after 3 weeks.


15726588 10154395790627408 7106778932237324001 N


19" arms, 33" waist, i've gotten to 32" before so ideally i need to be 30" for the comp. I haven't checked my chest or leg size, though i suspect im around 48 to 50" on the chest, going off clothing size. Will keep this up to date as i work through my cycles and phases.


Hopefully i'm not coming across as trying to show off, just showing my progress after 7 years of on and off training, and only this last 6 months i've really put my heart and soul into it as i have a goal to achieve now instead of just trying for vanity lol. Hope it might inspire someone!

Edited by Drayvn
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Awesome work !

(although that last photo looks VERY wrong :lol: )



I hit my 3 targets this year (just in time!).


150kg Squat (did 3 reps in the end)

100kg Bench (7 reps, got a torn rotator cuff, have to be careful)

200kg Deadlift (it wasn't pretty but did it this week)


& I'm probably about 300% bodyfat :D

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Ive not trained for a month. Ive lost 8kg in weight. I now weigh 84kg. I feel so @*!# for it but ive damaged my foot ligaments/soft tissue/vessels in a bad sprain and couldnt walk for 2 weeks im still struggling now! I go back to work on tuesday and im starting again fresh and gonna hit it hard! Ive not had a protein shake for 4 months lol. Just been training on my @*!# diet

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  On 30/12/2016 at 11:29, Drayvn said:

Just finished my bulking phase just before christmas, hit 111.4kg.


Benching 220kg for 1 rep max, 250kg squats for 1 rep max and 300kg deadlifts for 1 rep max.


Still probably roughly 18 to 20% bodyfat though. Will be heading into my cutting phase in the next couple of weeks.


By the end of March I'm hoping to be 110kg at 8 to 10% body fat before i bulk again. Just hope i can retain at least 80% of my strength through cutting.


Will to what i can to head to 120kg though, so i can cut down to 110kg at 3 to 4% bodyfat for competition prep that i will be doing at the end of the year.


Will post some pics up, I was holding a lot of water at the time, this is before i came off my bulking phase.




Leg pics is a few weeks after i injured my left knee, so haven't trained legs in a while, first time i was back after 3 weeks.




19" arms, 33" waist, i've gotten to 32" before so ideally i need to be 30" for the comp. I haven't checked my chest or leg size, though i suspect im around 48 to 50" on the chest, going off clothing size. Will keep this up to date as i work through my cycles and phases.


Hopefully i'm not coming across as trying to show off, just showing my progress after 7 years of on and off training, and only this last 6 months i've really put my heart and soul into it as i have a goal to achieve now instead of just trying for vanity lol. Hope it might inspire someone!

some impressive lifts there :thumbs: well done !
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  On 03/01/2017 at 16:56, -Bradders- said:

Im back in gym today after 4 weeks out and losing a stone. **** my body i lose everything so fast. Torn ligaments and a dodgy sprain to my ankle aint helped.

At least I'm not the only one who loses a stone or more in a month if I'm not training. :lol:


Though I'm just lazy during the holidays... My gym is 20 miles away from home, so it's not convenient to go there unless I'm at uni that day.

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