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Another Cyclists Rant !


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Apart from the (several) threads on here about how they driive with complete disregard for any 'Rules of the Road' . . . .


When did cyclists conclude that riding on the pavements was a good idea?


When I was young (Yes, I know, a long time ago) like around 5 or 6, when you were riding your little bike with the stabilisers on the pavement - you wanted to grow up and ride where all the big boys did, on the road.


So, you did your Cycling Proficiency, you practiced, and when Mum and Dad said you were good enough, you graduated to riding on the road, and then at about 11 you maybe rode to school . . . . on the roads.


So, when did it become the norm for . . . .umm . . . .youths (expletive deleted) to ride on the pavement?


I take my dog to the park most mornings, including a couple of sections where the footpath goes through cuttings, the signs of "No Cycling" are pretty old and rusty, but they're there . . . . . and when this hoody wearing moron hurtles through, and I express some discontent to him, you can guess - all I get is a tirade of abuse.

And so - can anyone tell me when it became OK for cyclists to ride on the pavement? :rant::rant::rant: :rant: :rant:


(If he hits me, I'll just shoulder charge him off his damn bike. If he hits my Bonnie he's gonna get his bike inserted into an orifice where the sun doesn't shine . . . . . .)

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Totally understand were you're coming from Ian.

I've almost been knocked down a few times by di**head cyclists on pavements & flying through the works car park as a short cut. :dry:


Unfortunately there is nothing we can do, ...the Police do nothing about it so what can we do? :shrug:

I've seen cyclists running countless red lights, riding drunk, no lights at night etc etc but as they don't have any number plates on their bikes there is nothing I can do about any of that either.


My advice is just to bottle the rage until one day it all comes spewing out in an uncontrollable outburst, ...what's the worst that could happen?! :lol:;)

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the only cyclists I seem to see these days are festooned with video cameras, scream abuse at pedestrians and motorists alike and pedal furiously into the distance before the recipient of said abuse has any chance to react. They later post the edited result on u-tube to show what big bold road warriors they are. (sorry last phrase should read complete and utter tossers they are).

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They're quite an angry bunch aren't they, cyclists.


They do make me quite angry. The way they swerve around as they pedal. Insist on riding in the middle of the lane as slow as possible.


Worst is when you get 2 cycling side by side not giving a solitary f*@k that no one can get by. Then when you can overtake and look absolute daggers at them they look at you like "f*@ks your problem?! You want some?!"


If only life was a game of GTA.


PS: if theyre hot and wearing lycra I do not mind being behind a lady cyclist.



Edited by TT350
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It's the sanctimonious attitude they seem to have that they don't need to be responsible for their actions as all the responsibility is lain on the door step of the motorist. The level of incompetence and inconsideration with their Orwellian cameras on the helmets just waiting for you to **** up the really grates me. You know for sure that if they made some kind of faux pas, they wouldn't put it on Youtube. It's a steady one-sided parade of self importance and arrogance on the road. A complete disregard for anyone else who's just trying to get from A to B. And exhale...............

Edited by Rock_Steady
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  On 19/08/2015 at 22:41, TT350 said:

Worst is when you get 2 cycling side by side not giving a solitary f*@k that no one can get by.

Cyclists riding side by side are easier to overtake than when they ride one in front of the other, as your TED is halved. You give a cyclist as much space as you would a car anyway, so really it makes no difference. If the road isn't wide enough to overtake a car on, then I would agree that common sense would dictate that the cyclists do drop back into single file to let you pass, but again you have to think about whether the overtake is safe to carry out if the road is that narrow.

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Apparently when overtaking bikes you are meant to give a cars sized gap to go past - but clearly that reduces the overtake opportunity if they are doubled up as you have parked cars or the like on the other side.


I am sure on many a cycling forum they rant about idiotic car drivers who think they own the road etc...clearly they are all wrong though, but entitled to their wrong opinion.

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I am a keen cyclist so I feel as though I should provide some input as I see both sides of the story


From what I can tell in the original post this sounds more like the attitude of youths in hoodies. I have also encountered the same in the local town and ended up walking straight in front of them so that they have to stop or get off of the path, I can't remember seeing a keen cyclist using footpaths only parents with their children.


I can't really comment on cyclists riding drunk or not having lights. In my experience these are not usually 'keen' cyclists but youths or car drivers that have a mountain bike in the shed and don't want to pay for a Taxi.


I agree that there are some idiots that run red lights but don’t we have the same sort of idiots driving cars too ?


Have any of you tried cycling along our UK roads with all of its pot holes and drains that have not been raised when resurfacing work has been completed in the past ? Believe me due to this you end up having to continuously swerve around these obstacles or cycle a third of the way across the lane. This is why cars have to give enough space to allow a cyclist to move around. I admit I get angry when cars pass me and I can almost feel their wing mirror brush against my hand. Is everybody in such a rush in life that they have to pass so close ? What would happen if I had to swerve around a pot hole at that time, yes the motorist would be fine, I’d likely be badly injured or dead.


I encounter at least one driver every time I go out that have to 'just' skim past me when there is nobody else on the road and 2 lanes are free ! Why ??


I agree that cyclists should not cycle side by side if cars are around or on a main road. Also, big groups of cyclists riding together in a continuous line is also wrong, they should give spaces to allow cars to pass.


I don’t have a camera on the bike but their some incidents I have encountered, in general with white van drivers, where I wish I had worn one. There was one instance where I was coming down a hill in the evening, standing up to make my presence bigger, with numerous lights on including flashing lights where a white van pulled straight out in front of me, even a farmer in tractor on the opposite side of the road saw it and had a rant at the white van driver.


I recommend all of you taking a bike out for an hour or so and try cycling around and see what you encounter. I am sure if everybody tried this they would be much more understanding and peace on the road ;)


But I must say following a lycra clad lady cyclist is always good. That's how I keep up my fitness….

Edited by zzzzz
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  On 20/08/2015 at 08:10, zzzzz said:



I recommend all of you taking a bike out for an hour or so and try cycling around and see what you encounter.



Just to respond to this part of your post as I mostly agree with the rest of it.


If I were to take a bike out for an hours cycling I would most likely encounter death or a near death experience - this is nothing to do with other road users simply my current level of physical fitness (or lack there off)


May I suggest you keep ideas like that to your self or at the very least caveat them with a health warning!!!!!!!!!






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  On 20/08/2015 at 07:46, Ekona said:
  On 19/08/2015 at 22:41, TT350 said:

Worst is when you get 2 cycling side by side not giving a solitary f*@k that no one can get by.

Cyclists riding side by side are easier to overtake than when they ride one in front of the other, as your TED is halved. You give a cyclist as much space as you would a car anyway, so really it makes no difference. If the road isn't wide enough to overtake a car on, then I would agree that common sense would dictate that the cyclists do drop back into single file to let you pass, but again you have to think about whether the overtake is safe to carry out if the road is that narrow.


That's very level headed and calm Dan - I even agree with it :scare:



Are you OK Mate?

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Most paths in cambridge have this logo



So Bikes can ride on the pavement and kinda really should, nothing more annoying than the council paying tens thousands to build off road cycle lanes like below and cyclist still riding on the road that money could pay for nurses and teachers or other things we really need but cycle safety groups complain get given there own roadway then dont use them :shrug:







although zzzzzz says it s the hoody youth causing issues, but 90% of the time in Cambridge its lycra cyclists going for the personal best on strava running red lights and cutting T junctions trying to slip stream inches from cars which results in them hitting the car or passing down the side and hitting pedestrians the car is letting cross the road, Their the dangerous ones or a classic that seems to happen in Cambridge the cycle lanes have a give way line when coming upto a junction so they should give way to cars turning into the junction and they just dont usually going into some poor sods door then getting up and shouting at the driver for not looking in his mirrors despite having the right of way


Mr average who just pottles along at there own pleasure usually are the handy ones in cycle lands not causing any issue for anyone

Edited by StevoD
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  On 20/08/2015 at 08:37, Keyser said:
  On 20/08/2015 at 08:10, zzzzz said:

I recommend all of you taking a bike out for an hour or so and try cycling around and see what you encounter.



Just to respond to this part of your post as I mostly agree with the rest of it.


If I were to take a bike out for an hours cycling I would most likely encounter death or a near death experience - this is nothing to do with other road users simply my current level of physical fitness (or lack there off)


May I suggest you keep ideas like that to your self or at the very least caveat them with a health warning!!!!!!!!!







Lol, maybe a battery assisted bike ?

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  On 20/08/2015 at 08:43, StevoD said:

Most paths in cambridge have this logo



So Bikes can ride on the pavement and kinda really should, nothing more annoying than the council paying tens thousands to build off road cycle lanes like below and cyclist still riding on the road that money could pay for nurses and teachers or other things we really need but cycle safety groups complain get given there own roadway then dont use them :shrug:







although zzzzzz says it s the hoody youth causing issues, but 90% of the time in Cambridge its lycra cyclists going for the personal best on strava running red lights and cutting T junctions trying to slip stream inches from cars which results in them hitting the car or passing down the side and hitting pedestrians the car is letting cross the road, Their the dangerous ones or a classic that seems to happen in Cambridge the cycle lanes have a give way line when coming upto a junction so they should give way to cars turning into the junction and they just dont usually going into some poor sods door then getting up and shouting at the driver for not looking in his mirrors despite having the right of way


Mr average who just pottles along at there own pleasure usually are the handy ones in cycle lands not causing any issue for anyone


That hoody youth comment was only in relation to the original post.


I am sure you will get some cyclists trying to get a PB and cutting corners, this is clearly wrong, I haven't seen it around where I live but I am more in the countryside.

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  On 20/08/2015 at 09:13, SuperStu said:



£839 in fines and costs


Would the punishment be the same for driving on a pavement and doing the same?


same thing happened in cambridge but they cant track the cyclist :(



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  On 20/08/2015 at 09:14, StevoD said:
  On 20/08/2015 at 09:13, SuperStu said:



£839 in fines and costs


Would the punishment be the same for driving on a pavement and doing the same?


same thing happened in cambridge but they cant track the cyclist :(




Terrible, adults shouldn't be cycling on the footpath, unless allowed (and then with care), and should be fined. We have to remember there are many car drivers that jump red lights, take no notice of zebra crossings etc. Unfortunately there will always be bad bike riders and car drivers.

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  On 20/08/2015 at 09:34, zzzzz said:
  On 20/08/2015 at 09:14, StevoD said:
  On 20/08/2015 at 09:13, SuperStu said:



£839 in fines and costs


Would the punishment be the same for driving on a pavement and doing the same?


same thing happened in cambridge but they cant track the cyclist :(




Terrible, adults shouldn't be cycling on the footpath, unless allowed (and then with care), and should be fined. We have to remember there are many car drivers that jump red lights, take no notice of zebra crossings etc. Unfortunately there will always be bad bike riders and car drivers.


i dont belive for one second the same amount of car drivers drive through red lights as cyclist im sorry i just don't

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