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Everything posted by mcai8sh4

  1. after having a quick look at the circuit earlier, I wouldn't say there is an easy fix to adjust the sensitivity electronically. There doesn't seem to be any variable resistors etc. I must admit I haven't gone as far as to figure out exactly how the sensors return the feedback to the control unit (poss be able to add to the input to reduce sensitivity but doubtful) or how the circuit works - looks complicated. If I do find anything I'll let you know. The only other thing I could suggest, mine was too loud (when the thing worked!!) so maybe muffle the beeper slightly (a sock would do it, just make sure it's clean - a car like that should smell nice too ).
  2. Ok... I had a play after work, here's my findings. Tested the alarm,works ok. Checked the input voltage to the 'control box'. (call it what you want), input voltage = 11.6V - seems good. The buzzer/beeper ISN'T the alarm siren (behind the spare wheel), it's actually hidden under the plastic boot cover near the catch. Feel underneath and you'll find a small cylinder approx 1.25" dia 1.25" long. I tested that with a PP9 batt and some wire, works fine. So, power in ok. output beeper thing ok! Next step, ingnition on, select reverse, measure the output beeper voltage - ~1.4V constantly if sensors are clear or not. My conclusion... little black box of tricks is kaput!! I've took the circuit out and checked for burnt out componants but there's nothing obvious. I've also checked, the unit is only powered when the ignition is ON and reverse gear is selected. Looks like it may be a trip to the dealer or somthing to try a new unit - hopefully not too expensive. If anyone has any other suggestions, please let me know. Or if you want to know more about the unit/wiring etc, give me a shout, I'll help all I can. -s
  3. Thanks for all the welcomes. Don't worry I'm not ignoring the 'hints' for pics, I just haven't had time to take them yet, they will arrive!!
  4. tbh, I haven't tested the alarm since the problem started - I assume there's a 'test alarm' thread, i'll look it up and have a go! Reverse light is working, I imagined it used the same switch to activate it. I could always bridge the circuit to make sure - thinking about it I could also bridge the output for the sensors to check the siren. I'll have a play around tomorrow night. I'll let you know how I get on.
  5. in the boot by the spare wheel, theres a small siren thingy Thats the one! I assume the beeps come from the siren (alarm?), if it's not a common problem then looks like I shall be a pioneer. Everything looks good, so water shorting somthing is out of the question. I'm thinking it's just circuit died... or a loose wire. I'm hoping for the latter.
  6. wow, I sign up, say hello, go grab a pint, and already receive technically more than a handful welcomes. Friendly little bunch aren't you? Thankyou. /edit - lol after re-reading that I should mention, that comment is genuine and not sarcastic!
  7. Ok, I know I've only just joined, but any help with this little irriataion would be appreciated. I have an 04 plate 350, bought second hand, alls worked well for over 6 months. Suddenly my parking distance indicator 'beeps' have stopped. I used to get the annoying but useful single beep when engaging reverse gear, followed by more beeps the closer I got to a wall/car/gate/small child... Now I get nothing, it just stopped working one day. The reverse light still works ok (so I assume the switch in the gearbox & fuse are ok). I've found a black box stuck inside the boot with the following writing on : RPS20 4M0168N1A There are 4 connectors (one per sensor?), a 3 pin connector (power?) and another 2 wires labled 'buz' (buzzer for the beeping noise). My plan is to check for power when reverse is selected, if that works, then I'm fresh out of ideas. Am I looking in the right place? Is this fault common? Easy fix/diagnose? Any help appreciated!! cheers, -s
  8. Hi, I bought a 350z (04 uk GT) about 6 months ago. FANTASTIC!!! Completely love it, although the current petrol prices are a little depressing. Hope to benefit from all your collective knowlege (and love) of this car, whilst helping out wherever I can!! -s
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