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Everything posted by prometheus

  1. Yea AFAIK it's a straight swap.
  2. Nope never had it happen to me.
  3. Mine's not too noisy, driven other where you could defo hear it have a conversation with you.
  4. Got mine replaced under a 3rd party warranty a few years back, not a click since :-)
  5. That's defo some good work going into it, be like a new car when your finished.
  6. Changing the stock exhaust out for a SS one gained me 3 extra miles per gallon. It was a lot lighter than the stock.
  7. Guys I have the same issue just upgraded from an iPhone 4 which worked perfectly to the new Google Nexus 5 with Android 4.4 KitKat running and it pairs with the car fine but then just disconnects after about 5 seconds! Don't hold any hope for this to be ever fixed, Nexus 5 is using Bluetooth 4 not sure if that is the issue.
  8. Great service from Clark Motorsport and especially Ewen. Part ordered and received next day. Great price and knowledge too. Highly recommended. Thanks Guys
  9. Been searching the forum and found guides on removing the wheel arch liner, after having a disagreement with the bottom 2 bolts I eventually got it pulled off enough to see the side light connector. But man you need small hands to try and remove it. Which I failed to do and gave up, I was able to turn it clockwise and it seemed loose but wouldn't come out, my question is how do you remove it? Does it only turn a quarter and then just pull out? When I tuned it past a quarter it seemed to tighten up again. Driving me nuts and need to replace the bulb as MOT is soon.
  10. Billyokco Just checking if these are still for sale? Long shot I know.
  11. Had thought it might be that from reading other searches, but sort of dreaded it as the Banana arm is rather expensive, and getting the bushes in seems quite complicated, might just have to live with it. Would squirting a bit of silcone oil over the bushes quieten it down? Cheers
  12. Hey guys, I've had a bit off a bad squeak coming from the passenger side when going over bumps for about the last year! It much worse in cold weather and in fact will dissappear after drining for about 30 mins. I've done a few searches and thought it was the droplinks, so bought new ones and repleaced them last night, but the squeak is still there! Now the droplinks needed doing as they were in a sorry state when they came off, just wondering what now is actually causing the squeaking? It sounds really rubbery against metal if that makes sense.
  13. janz70, The official stockist is a local guy based here in Northern Ireland, they are on the blueflame website, AI Autosport. Thought it was a good price myself. Actually during my looking about for prices I went to another local retailer but not an official stockist, he called blueflame while I was there and he quoted me £560, when I told him of my other price I don't think he believed me but 20mins after I left he called me up and said he was talking to blueflame again and he could get me the exhaust for £495 delivered! So they must be willing to deal, he also said that they haddn't put the VAT increase back on their price, but that still wouldn't drop it to £495. It is the full cat back system including the Y pipe, well it better be as that is whats on their website, I will find out wednesday when I get it fitted. Also might ask they guy to stick it on the rollers as a matter of interest. I'll let you guys know how I get on.
  14. RobD7 the Blueflame worked out at £495 + £40 fitting, they advertise it on their website for £595 but the official stockist done it for £495, i'm not complaining It only arrived today with the guy and he can't fit it till next wednesday I want it fitted NOW!
  15. Thanks for the posts guys, will get the pics and video link up hopefully next week when the exhaust is fitted.
  16. Hey guys after having my OEM exhaust welded about a year ago due to the joint between the back box and centre pipe breaking, it's started to blow again, instead of just getting it welded again I just bit the bullet and ordered a Blueflame CatBack system. They look nice and also sound nice, but when I ordered it I was told that they have done away with the silencer in the mid pipe as the exhaust was too quiet....I'm soo not after a loud system. Anyway I will hopefully post pictures and sound clip when it's fitted next week. Pro
  17. Ok update, Drove into work this morning and then checked the temp on both front brakes and it seems that both were normal, no bad smell and no excessive heat from the passenger side. Maybe the caliper has unstuck itself?! Will keep an eye on it and see if it happens again. Cheers guys
  18. Hey guys was driving to the fuel station tonight (as I tend to do alot) and had this strange smell like burning rubber suddenly in the cabin, thought nothing of it as it cleared after a few mins, but as I was at the petrol station I decided to check the tyre pressures. Well went to the driver's front wheel checked the pressure, then went to the passenger side wheel and immediately felt the heat coming from the brake and the smell that I had smelt in the cabin before. Kinda worried now that there is something jammed on/in the passenger brake. Any one any idea's what could be causing this? Cheers
  19. Only got a chance to check out the passenger washer, turns out it was both heads that were totally blocked, tried my best to get them unblocked, manged to get the lower one done but the top one is totally refusing to clear. Any idea on how to clean them out?
  20. Cheers marzman, will give that a rattle at some stage during the week, and will let you know how I get on.
  21. Anyone know a quick fix for this problem? It started to stop squirting from 2 of the holes, then the other day none on the passenger one at all, I tried the old pin in the nozzle trick but still no water coming out. So now I have have a clean windscreen all the time.
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