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Everything posted by zedwagon

  1. you never know - you might get treated to a vanilla slice!!
  2. hadn't seen one until this weekend and then... thursday - black on deansgate in manchester and tbh, was a bit underwhelmed but then saw a grey in york on friday and looked really good , followed by a white on a64 on way home! oh and a few zeds scattered around but no one waved back!
  3. progress report...stan has seen 44 already and he's not home yet ...get counting!!
  4. but it should be how many you see per mile that you travel on the way home - and double points for any that you see that aren't on a motorway - that should even it up a bit for those of us who don't have mammoth drives home
  5. or perhaps some sort of cake related prize would be appropriate?
  6. wow, that's very impressive pastry work!!!
  7. hi mike have you an address/postcode for where we're meeting cos i'll be relying on satnav! sorry if i've missed it somewhere!
  8. ok stewie, here you go... from pies to shiny zeds!
  9. try the traders on here, i got one from - MJP or JDM Performance maybe - can't remember which...
  10. gosh, i didn't realise pie baking was so popular - what sort was yours?
  11. hi all please put me down as a possible for this xStric9x martinmac +2 Digsy (chit chat - don't have a Zed so won't keep up! ) Beavis djmoto Marzman (depending on date...Feb is busy for me!) S1 HNK Jacko Squarehead Red or zed IanS16 Wilky if not offshore. Maccaman zedwagon (possible)
  12. i was very close to printing one of those off and sticking it under his wiper - but as i park in that car park quite a bit and am the only zed in there decided against it for that reason!!! parked in more up market car park yesterday and came back to the car to find someone had hit the passenger door and left a small (very small but i noticed!) horizontal crease in the middle of the door with a black spec in the middle of it - not happy ! the car spent 5 years in japan and was perfect before it arrived here!
  13. shiny black coupe this morning north Manchester with private plate i flashed lights and waved but no response
  14. how did you guess?? yes, it was some battered silver people carrier!!
  15. hello from another sprinkle !
  16. thought i'd share my anger with people who understand... why oh why do idiots insist on parking an inch from my wing mirror in a massive great big car park that's empty??? its one of those open gravel car parks that has no marked bays, and is never full, and this morning some prat parks about an inch from my wing mirror - i decided to stay put until he got out - more as a deterrent . he knew i was in the car but still f'ing taps it with his door when he got out. Needless to say I got out very quickly to check for damage - thank fully there wasn't any, but by this time was was legging it half way accross the carpark fully aware of what he had done bloody idiots then...i nearly get mowed down by a great big dhl van in a pedestrianised square - on his mobile...
  17. hello to the GM coupe - SK54 - in Whitefield this morning if its anyone on here
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