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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. Picked my car up. Spoiler looking totally awesome!!! My car is now complete Not all happy though.....They managed to kerb my alloy i had refurbed last week They are refurbing it again though so isn't too bad
  2. Ian will be up for this i will pm him 1. H5 2. Nurrish 3.IanS16
  3. Yup a drug addict What else have you got planned for it in the long term mate? To be honest mate this is probably the last external mod for me for a long long time But that doesn't mean im stopping
  4. Well.....when i start selling my self on the street to fund my modding then that will be the point i admit it Until then
  5. Car is back into the body to have further work done.......any guess's When my car went into the bodyshop for its two tone job, because at the time i had no intentions of taking the spoiler off they just sprayed the car with it in place. So now that im fitting a new spoiler there are respraying the whole boot again. Here is my prep for the job £80 for my whole boot to be re sprayed and my nismo v1 spoiler to be fitted. O and my front is getting a touch up too Picking up the car in the morning so i will get some before and after pics up
  6. I will check out b&q tomorrow
  7. Never one to waste time... Roll on Sunday... Its been too long as it is already
  8. Yeah..A good weight saving mod
  9. I wouldn't let any one from halfords touch my zed
  10. Same here but so many cars can live without it. I have had cars in the past with no rear wiper. I have a rear camera at my disposal
  11. If your low on cash and want to do some modding here are some idea's of what i did today..... First up i removed my rear wiper. Got some grommets at my work which fit like a charm. Cars going into the paint shop on sunday so it will get painted black to match my boot. I told Ian (ians16) and he came straight round i did his too Then i replaced my side badges with Thanks to Ian's friend i got a number plated printed up. It just needs a bigger black boarder which i have coming the weekend which will tidy it up.
  12. Mine being fitted sunday and this is the best guide i can find for me to give to the fitter
  13. +1 i heard too that uk cars are electronically limited to 155mph. Take away the limiter and wolla
  14. I assume your on about the chinese GPS system? There is going to be very few people on here that will be able to help you. Luckily i am one of them The unit will fit....However the unit will fit but without anything plugged into it. You need to take the casing off and relocate the power adapter. Not a job for a novice but if you are confident about electrics and handy with a soldering iron then you should be ok. However if your looking for a complete solution with a better looking system then send me a pm.
  15. Not sure if this has been posted before but i did search and came up with nout. But this surly it deserves another look if so
  16. Love the front/side portrait....not sure of the rest. Would be nice to have 1 of the 80 though
  17. What....From the people that have brought it to only realise it doesn't fit rhd cars
  18. Wow dont see this too often on ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/350Z-G35-Greddy-Twin-Turbo-Kit_W0QQitemZ170339837575QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM?hash=item27a90ba687&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1683%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50
  19. Last Sunday at JTS one of the zeds had a stick on number plate. It had a white background with a black boarder with the reg printed showing the correct reg. Is this legal?
  20. Bet they didnt look like these though
  21. £400 will get you this http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/sales/855183.htm
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