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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. Do you have pics of it? Is the back number plate a square or a rectangle?
  2. Last time i polished my helmet in public i was given a caution and spent the night in a cold cell
  3. Im looking to do something sneaky with my rear tail lights. Any one know how they come apart so i can get to the inside?
  4. I will let ian buy me a drink Looking forward to seeing the pics of your new additions grant
  5. not a chance dude the closest i'm going to come to TT is that carrot mod that was knocking about a few months back
  6. They have probably just missed out the comma dude
  7. Didn't mean dodgy in relation to the seller i meant dodgy as in a dodgy car meaning faulty car there for being dodgy.......
  8. Hmmmmmmmmmmm............. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2005-NISSAN-350Z-GT-SILVER-Twin-Turbo-Engine-problem_W0QQitemZ350216655031QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAutomobiles_UK?hash=item518a8a10b7&_trksid=p4634.c0.m14.l1262&_trkparms=%7C301%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A30
  9. When i spoke with them they said if i were willing to up my monthly line rental they could sort me out an upgrade price...... If this is something you would be willing to do then you should be able to do it.
  10. I have a house in Lake Berkley Which is just down off Oren brown. Walmart is my local supermakert Infact i will be there in September
  11. Purple Monkey Dishwasher
  12. Looks all right........BUT WHY THE F*!K has he put a great whopping nissan badge on the bonnet!!!!
  13. It was a place in Kissamee called season's boulevard, was really nice actually about 2mins away from the 192. R Was it behind a big wall mart?
  14. What was the resort called you stayed at?
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