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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. that looks F*!kin Mean!!!! Good Job
  2. wtf would i do with a blue bumper??
  3. Are you able to get some pics up of yours? Next saturday will be fine
  4. +1 He did my sig the same day. 4 months explains it all Liam I'd happily do you one but you didn't make the West Mids meet so... Only joking, I've got to go in to work tomorrow and I need something to do (other than the work). Whats your team called? I've got a good idea already If your out and about with wheels tomorrow pick up your dads spring compressor
  5. Well i am free weekends. Free tomorrow if your free
  6. would you say yours are in similar condition? If they are then i am happy to do the transplant
  7. Here are some pics Drivers seat just needs some love as with all the seats i have seen are like this but isn't bad. Passanger is pretty much mint as is wheel and handbrake. The gear knob metal plate is just a little worn.
  8. Solihull...South of birmingham
  9. I am interested mate. Just dont have the budget this month to make extra trips So it will be easier for me to take pics and show them to you online. I will take your word about the condition of yours.
  10. Dibs on the nismo ecu How you get on bleeding the brakes?
  11. Ahhhhh it makes sense Yeah pop over i'm hosting an unoffical mod day i got ian and bladesgrant coming over I tell you what you havent messed around with your modding have you!! one minute its a virgin and next its been maxed out!!
  12. Looking good mate Why not whack it on yourself???
  13. You got photo's steve? I will get some up of mine if your interested
  14. I dont know why but i am strangley being pulled to this......i have the alezean interior
  15. Brand New. Never Installed. £185 shipped Here is an example of one installed
  16. well just been to an exhaust garage and they said it would have to be ordered in as its a specialst car........
  17. Its the shipping thats gonna make your eyes soar!!! My suggestion would be wheels first
  18. Dude i thought you wasn't going to go down this route
  19. Im fitting my springs on saturday with ian your welcome to drop round Even lend a hand
  20. I have got a code reader grant......if there was a problem im sure that would pick it up.....
  21. Well.......yeah it was stuck to the stock box when i sold it. Thought i wouldn't need it
  22. I'm after the rubber thing that the exhaust hangs on Just 1 of them
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