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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. Whats that involving? see http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=24634
  2. I think i may have you beat with my: Full interior swap install my eibach lowering springs install my aem cia ibstall hks de limiter for bladesgrant maybe a clean too
  3. What more is there to say apart from
  4. You can oversee the knob transfer
  5. Right im set for saturday then mate. Shall i pm you my address? I will be free 10am onwards till 5pm
  6. I would of thought that the more mods you have on the better the out come will be?
  7. I think its just my screen. The 3rd pic but as i look closely it isn't that bad. If there is no serious wear then i am happy
  8. Right. Is the top of the drivers seat as bad as it looks? The thing is with my seats they only have 18k worth of miles in them and i have a feeling your seats with there 80k+ miles are gonna look like they have had good use. I am liking the black though .
  9. You manage to get the pics yet steve? Im all set for saturday.
  10. Yeah tell me about it!! Just a shame it feels like a stretch arm strong
  11. They have those mechanical dolls now that are very effective.
  12. Looking good but WTF is with those decals!!!!!
  13. Well i will let you in on a bit of a secret mate................My zed is about to take the back bench.......meaning the real fun starts now
  14. There is a stockist of there products here....also other good 350z products http://www.funkypower.co.uk/catalogue.php?make=NISSAN&model=350Z&year=&level1=EXHAUSTS+%26+EXHAUST+MANIFOLDS&level2=HIGH+FLOW+CATS%2FCAT+BYPASS+PIPES&man= They seem to do quite reasonable high flow cats.
  15. Just stick in a milk create and your good to go
  16. Hold up......has it been lowered too? or is it still lacking? If not then sarnie still has a job to do
  17. Hi, I am indeed using the second unit you have listed. However it is not a straight forward job. There is alot of work that needs to be done on the system board of the unit. Like relocating ports and extending the gps. As it, is it doesn't fit and you need to totally dismantle it. I spend roughly 5 - 6 hours on each unit and thats having done many of these. But if you are confident on taking on the task then i wish you the best of luck It does come with igo 8 on an 2gb sd card
  18. It's because i am good and nurrishing for you. Without your daily does of nurrishment you will just wither and die. You can never get enough nurrishment inside you. O and my last name is nurrish
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