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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. Ah ok dude. I will hold off till you say other wise
  2. Anyone? Can work out payment plan for anyone thats interested
  3. Yeah i saw yours. I just want a quick sale but will put it up on ebay end of today probably....although stew was intrested.
  4. Need to get this sold asap so this is what it includes PS3 with 160gb hdd Burnout Paradise Fifa 09 Little Big Planet Motostorm Pacific Rift Wipeout Killzone 2 Resistance 2 Everybody's Golf World Tour with hdmi cable £275 ono shipped
  5. Sounds like you had fun!!!! Not jealous at all
  6. Thats a bit to rich for me matey.
  7. Check it out http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2005-NISSAN-350Z-GRAN-TURISMO-4-YELLOW-NUMBER-05_W0QQitemZ260445346350QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAutomobiles_UK?hash=item3ca3c09a2e&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A10%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50 Looks very
  8. he has gone on holiday mate. Thought about keeping the orange knob but if i can get a nismo on the cheap i will.
  9. At the Hogarth in knowle solihull Parked up right next to you
  10. Ian took some pics when we removed it...............just hope he has still got them
  11. After a black one but will possibly consider other colours. New or used I know how much the traders charge but i am looking for cheaper
  12. I've got an orange one........if i can ever get it off you can have it
  13. This was a non starter for me, didn't hear any beeping noises at all when the door was open Yeah same here but try it by counting to 7 then turning off then turn it back on again. Try that 4 times
  14. then he needs to do what i did which i posted above
  15. did you get your air bag light sorted steve??
  16. Having decided to go a totally different direction with my zed than i had ever imagined i am selling my car pc. Runs on windows xp with centrafuse (http://www.fluxmedia.net/) It starts automatically when windows is started 1.6 Dual core Atom Processor 2 GB DDR2 Ram 32GB Solid State Hard Disc (not affected by vibrations) Bluetooth 2008 Lilitput LCD Screen already mounted in cubby I will also throw in some extension usb cables which are very very handy The boot up time is around 20 seconds and it is set to go into hibernation when your ignition is turned off. So when your engine is started the computer will come out of hibernation in about 15 seconds and continues playing the music where you left off. Also comes with a pc version of IGO8 for your navigation needs. You are able to hook up a OBDII scanner to monitor your cars behavour. Any more info required just ask. I am looking for around £675 shipped Video is a bit old but it gives you a rough idea on what to expect
  17. Following on from a mini nurrish mod day held at my house yesterday i have a few pics on my new installs.... Finally got on my AEM CIA thanks to grant and steve And the black seats from the swap over (minus knob though......too hard to remove) Still have my eibach Lowering springs to fit.......was going to them today but going to go look at a car...
  18. Woooohooooooo have managed to get rid of the airbag light Followed this simple guide 1.) First I open my door and use that as a timer. 2.) Turn my car into the on position wait for the airbag light to come on. 3.) Turn key to off position. When the airbag light starts to blink . You will hear the beeping sound from your door being open. Count 10 beeps and follow the same steps as number 2.) For 4 times it should go off.
  19. Yeah mate Good day today though
  20. All went well and i am happy with the swap. Couldn't get my knob off though....really really tough!!!! However i am getting a air bag light which blinks. Have done an ecu reset but this still remains........Any one got the suggestions??
  21. I am going to look at an 2000 seat Ibiza 1.9 diesel tomorrow night. My main criteria is sub 1k, cheap to insure, run, tax and under 80k miles
  22. why?? My zed is becoming my secondary car.........which means interesting things are to to happen to my zed
  23. O an also i need to find and buy a new car
  24. Right outside where i work. Drove past with the driver of the sunset initiating the wave Still amazes me that we wave just because we have the same car
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