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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. I see......Surely this proves in some why an Up rev remap is the cheapest/best option for N/A cars?
  2. What WHP? Thats what really counts as we keep getting told Nurrish, doesnt really matter which software or hardware you use, its all down to the mapper knowing the stuff and the car Yeah i know buddy but it seems 3fiddy is spending alot of time and im guessing money trying to get more power. Yet i take 1 trip to rstuning and have come away with what i got......
  3. Why dont you try the up rev? has done wonders for me
  4. check this out http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=25129
  5. Check out the comparison sounds
  6. nurrish

    got a zed

    Mate it runs like a completely new car......The power delivery has been taken to a new level and makes me cry when i floor it. I am itching to go out in it right now!! haven't used it in 3 days
  7. nurrish

    got a zed

    that is an unbelievably well spec'd car to start with
  8. I'm interested in getting an after market wheel. What do you need for the airbag? do you permanently have the airbag light on once its removed? Is it legal to drive without an airbag?
  9. I think we need to add this kinda lingo to the faq Sprinkle = women / chick Reppin = Representing ones town
  10. But if these were put on the garage in the picture and i would imagine it being quite a rough area this would last all of 5 minutes once mr chav and ms sharon plus infinite number or scrote bags came over and had a look at it
  11. It may be cheap to buy but it still needs a few pennies to keep em running
  12. Only a few miles down the road from me, want to me go look at it with a disguise on? I'll be expecting a trenchcoat and fake 'tache now though! I have many disguises MWAHHHHHHHHHHH! Yeah the best is the Chembo one
  13. My zed was my daily drive as of last week but as i am a computer engineer and can be called out at anytime to anywhere i hated having to think about where i am going to leave my car. It was also my daily commute which is 20 miles round trip and on a good week i'd last on £40 without any other trips. But i now have a cheap run around to put miles on and not mind where i park it. As for the insurance it will work out alot cheaper as my primary car will be a 1.1 litre with 7 years no claims and my zed doing low miles on weekends.....The best thing about this is that i get to go to the extreme with my zed now.....And its already started
  14. Fair play for doing a diy carbon job
  15. nurrish

    got a zed

    Very very Time to rock out with your .... out Next meet i shall be having a good nosey round this one
  16. Excellent post and some very useful information
  17. I, as am sure many others, would like a finite answer to this - do the early JDM's (mine is 2002) ECU's cancel out mods? The ecu does not cancel out the mods. The ecu just adjusts itself to them. Take a look at my dyno sheets in my thread.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssIMxMNOeNI
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