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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. I take it alex cant help you out then?
  2. Looking good steve. The seats really do finish it off nicely. As i think you mentioned previously regarding getting your rays powder coated, this should be next on your shopping list
  3. Exactly My focus has shift to performance. So i am happy with the little drop but the improved handling is 100x better. Slamming my car would be a chore and would be very impractical where i live so having it low rider stylee is something i don't want.
  4. I thinking about posting the vids of me pumping the brakes when putting in the brake fluid.....but i look like a complete mong!!!
  5. I will see how it goes and if i am brave enough i shall go lower as the kit came with tools to adjust the height. Was a great day mitz and thank you ian for my pancakes
  6. Had a very good and long day with CS today. Met up at the garage and was greeted by all my new toys. BC Coilovers DBA 5000 discs DBA 4000 discs Feroda pads Hal Brake Lines Eibach Rear Camber Ians16 came with me for the ride and bladesgrant showed up for the show Would like to thank mitz (CS) for the excellent service and andy for the long 6 hours he took for all this to be put on. Very very happy with the car and handles likes its on rails. Plus the drop is just perfect and the damper is perfect.
  7. nurrish

    FS: Samco Hose

  8. Ooooooooooooo yeah that is Nice Top work matey!! Will inspect it closer tomorrow
  9. There will only be 2 ways my mrs will ever get near my car.....the first is the passanger seat (only just) the other is the boot!! No offence to women but no women will ever drive my zed!!!!!!!!! An example of my mum......we have a fairly large drive way. There is a tree at the top that has been there for years......my mum has reversed into it 3 times now and has also managed to reverse into our lodgers car (even have this on cctv)
  10. I can confirm that fitting any type of vinyl to anything but a flat even surface is an absolute nightmare. I have given up smoking my rear lights with a not so harsh tint but gave up due to never getting a good result.
  11. OOOOO its one of those drunk European sex club!!!! I so wanna be in one of those!!!
  12. Do you own a rolling road? or have easy access to one?
  13. So which one did you pull? and i dont mean the swedish ones
  14. Possibly the hottest/funniest thing i have found today!!!! Does not contain nudity but does contain awesome amounts of win for the swedish....However we lose BIG TIME Anyway enjoy http://www.swedishgirl.se/swedish_girls_vs_british_nightclubs/
  15. Shhhhhhh What you having done on Saturday then Dave?? Hmmmm its a mystery dude .....you meeting me at becketts for 8:50 / 9 :00am?
  16. Im sure any replacement laptop now will be an upgrade and possibly cheaper
  17. hardly consider my self addicted..... however i do press "view unread posts" atleast 4 times a minute
  18. I think beavis is in denile..........you get it??? I'll get my coat....
  19. Ooooooo cant wait to see the results
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