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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. The potential for sooooo many different funny captions
  2. Well upon removing your old ecu and having them side my side the only difference was 1 sticker. Obviously i don't know for sure but i would of thought it was a map on the ecu that gave it nismo status
  3. When i had mine done i was chatting to paul and he mentioned the early cars have a gen1 ecu which the up rev is only able to program 1 map to. If you have a gen 2 i think there are up to 8 maps to be had interchangeable with the cruise control.....So ian you fall at the first hurdle
  4. Dude the only thing that makes your ecu a nismo one is the map on it. This erases that and puts the up rev map on there.....i thought i told you this!!
  5. One word for you my friend...... REDTUBE
  6. Dude!!! your spam cannon is on fire today......you need time to reload that bad boy!!!
  7. Just bend over and take it like a man
  8. Hah coventry airport is so funny!! Its just a shed attached to a runway
  9. What you mean ian its not serious!!!!! I have been taking bets and i am 500 quid in!!! Seems to me ian is just a chicken O and stew thanks for your text it made me go all tingly inside
  10. whats your idea of cheap mate? http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=25889
  11. watch it grant!! i got your wiiiii!!!
  12. I thought you live in knowle?? what was you doing walking your dog there?? And i want your bonnet!!!!
  13. So between the age of 20 and 23 you won the lottery? How the f*ck do you get insurance on a lambo at 23
  14. yeah!! I went round last year a passenger in my bro's m3. It's a nice easy track with a few long straights where you can absolutely gun it! Can't wait
  15. Here you go richard http://events.heritage-motor-centre.co.uk/events_2009_bmw.html
  16. Simply amazing Funnily enough my dad has that exact same clown mask...
  17. Anyone going this coming sunday? I am going with my brother and my uncle both bmw mad heads. I am taking my zed and even have track time Its going to be pretty funny as i am going to stick out like a soar thumb!! Bring on some bmw bashing
  18. Can a mod move this into the for sale section
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