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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. Is painted obsidian black so might need re painting if your concerned about the colour match. No dents but has a couple of stone chips £60 ono + shipping ( will get a quote once buyer is found)
  2. words cannot describe how awesome that is
  3. Coming off my car in a couple of days. £160 shipped. Does not come in original box. Excellent condition
  4. An absolute bargin for the nismo exhaust I wonder who bought the wheels
  5. If Carlsberg made engine bays this is how they would be made
  6. O and defiantly a carbon lip in the near future
  7. Thanks to Austin350z for this little gem Took awhile to wangle ( ) it off him but worth it in the end Not sure wether i am keeping the carbon look as there is quite a few scratches on there. Might go black or may go grey with the fins painted black. I shall see how things progress.....But i certainly do like it and definitely makes my zed stick out even more from the crowd Does look a bit wonky at the front but i think i can adjust the bonnet latch to get an even closure
  8. If there is a fault with the tyre you are en tiled to a replacement or money back
  9. Fit in a citroen saxo maybe??
  10. Hmmmmmm surly as im on the way to pick one up would be good enough maybe....any chance the bonnet will fit in the zed?
  11. Well its happening tomorrow i will get pics
  12. Anyone see any possible problems with driving with no bonnet for roughly 15 minutes? Its not going to be raining thankfully. Anything i need to tighten down/tie up?
  13. Carbonitus Carbon Rage Mmmmm Carbon WTF Carbon Carbon This Carbon That Carbon Endure Carbon Skate Carbon Shake Enter Carbon Carbon Base Carbon to Carbon Whats that? Carbon Need Carbon Carbon By Name Carbon By Nature C@rbon Suck on my Carbon Check Carbon F&ck Carbon Thats all i can think of for now
  14. Could be an option for the people wanting a nismo exhaust. Ships to the uk so may be a good idea to see how much shipping is $1145 http://cgi.ebay.com/Nissan-350Z-Nismo-Cat-Back-Exhaust-System_W0QQitemZ370215929033QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item563296c4c9&_trksid=p4634.c0.m14.l1262
  15. That is quite possibly the most expensive rip off 350z shop i have ever seen
  16. Another option for people to mull over is.......We meet up half way and swap our wheels over. You would still own your wheels but you can drive away with new wheels whilst i can drive away with your old ones and then later on send back somehow or pass on to a buyer.
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