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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. Dude you have no chance....CS will back me up on this
  2. Thanks to ZeddZ for these fantastic wheels!! Absolute bargain and i love them to death!! TSW's wrapped in falkens
  3. I cant beleive what i am reading!!!! Really feeling for you steve as i know how much you love the car!! And i will confirm the seats are in excellent condition Good luck anyway buddy
  4. Dude if i were you i would go back to your original idea......get two cheap plane tickets to somewhere in spain e.g megamuff and go nuts for a few days without having to worry about your car.
  5. I have something very special in the pipe line......But as you said in your previous post with limited money its impossible to do everything i want in one hit so i am doing the best with what i got
  6. Nice little read there mate and your spot on I do agree that the carbon bonnet suits it more than the black bonnet which was previously on there. New wheels are on tomorrow and so that will hopefully bring it all together... Also different is what i set out to be and i believe i have achieved that in some way However i do love this one
  7. Theres a good reason for that Sorry Nurrish but its way OTT for me but aslong as you like it Dont worry about it....I'll get you at castle combs
  8. This kid has got some skills http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UMWhJsd0JE
  9. Thats the thing about modding mate......you only need to please yourself
  10. Whenever dude just pop over
  11. Let me get my wheels over and done with first
  12. Thats not the way to introduce yourself Do it properly in the introductions section Flippin heck steve why dont you take your belt off and give him a good hiding Btw that was you on facebook that added me???
  13. I aint going for the stillen sc dude.....
  14. And it was actually clean
  15. I think with your budget ian you aint gonna make it too far Remember you need money for hookers and beer to as they aint free over there....unless you get a abnormal one i think the crossing is like 50 quid each return...
  16. Anybody want to buy a ViS Bonnet?? Popped in to look at it just and god its the most aggressive bonnet I've ever seen in my life (In a good way) Yeah ive had people say i look like totally mean in their rear view mirror
  17. Better pics added I also agree that a lip is defiantly needed
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