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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. Whats going on your rear?
  2. Looking sweeet! Looking forward to the end result
  3. This is a fantastic price and a real good service. As CS stated had mine done and it makes a real difference also saves potential tyre wear and improves handling
  4. Me striking a pose (sorry nix no hat)
  5. At least you will be able to see out of your back window Tbh i quite like em
  6. here you go mate http://cgi.ebay.com/59-REAL-CARBON-FIBER-SPOILER-240SX-300ZX-350Z-ALTIMA_W0QQitemZ300308261638QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item45ebc46b06&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 or perhaps http://cgi.ebay.com/66-Universal-Carbon-Fiber-Spoiler-180SX-200ZX-350Z_W0QQitemZ280337926264QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item4145714878&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
  7. I wonder what pooch was dreaming about........
  8. This is one of the main reasons i brought a cheap run around. Haven't to to cringe every time i got to the pump
  9. Well i am trying to get intouch with r35lee. If he has not responded soon it is still for sale Do you want second dibs?
  10. Just make sure the next one you buy has orange seats beforehand
  11. That is such a BullSh!t advert. If he has all the parts why doesn't he fit them him self and make more wonga??? Things like this always make me wary. Plus any impact to the engine bay can leave hidden damages not always apparent from the start
  12. Im Keeping schtum for the time being but srobrien you have nothing to worry about
  13. Im going for a record!! biggest spoiler and most clothes ironed in 1 hour!! Place your bets
  14. Look real nice in person and defiantly suit your zed Good Purchase
  15. that was quick O well you will get one sorted when your more secure in your job
  16. Painted in Obsidian Black. If this was to be put onto a black zed you shouldn't need to paint it. Could look nice on other colour zeds too. £160 shipped.
  17. Welcome Another member about to be Nurrish'd too I should start printing my own stickers...."I've Been Officially Nurrish'd"
  18. Have a look at AEM CIA and Injen as nismo is based on these i believe
  19. try here http://www.madmotors.co.uk/catalog/nissan-carbon-products-nissan-350z-c-984_996_1519.html
  20. Im hearing the spacer's comments......but there is absolutely no protection against curbs and these wheels!!! I'd rather be safe than sorry! but they do look ultra special and now i have wheels that suit the look of my car I might play with 10mm all round but i am happy as larry at the moment
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