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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. "hello doctor...i just can't get it up anymore....." Doctor "just go here http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=39052 "
  2. Close up's needed of the monster chicks
  3. How many stamps left inside that stamp book?
  4. nurrish

    Interior Upgrade

    You should go all out...imagine the comfort
  5. Well you'll have to find out Might wear my scary clown mask and my diamond studded thong just for you....oooooo yeah
  6. This is how i roll Bring it on!! (just tilt your head) I know what your all thinking.......im pretty good
  7. I had my first speeding ticket come through the other week! Was doing 61 in a 50. However because it was my first offence i have the option to take a driving education course that lasts 4 hours and costs 69 pound and have no points added to my licence instead of the usual 60 and 3 points.
  8. I miss mine Might get onto another one
  9. She is my first surprise guest to slide up and down my pole
  10. Just need to tart the garage up a bit now....move the circular saw and various nails on the flloor and then its party time
  11. Im strarting to worry about you wasso........you have been mentioning me in a fair few threads recently.....Is there something i should know? O and by the way this ickle wickle zed lover shall be attending x
  12. Where do i begin.......infact i aint even going to bother as i will just depress my self
  13. nurrish


    Have spent the last 2 months getting my car back to standard and had every intention of selling up and moving on.......However me being me.....i have changed my mind and looks like i am keeping her Just need to refrain from modding (if i have to though it will be more subtle)....but i cant see that happening So just like to say.....i'm back
  14. What to make of this....i first thought "burn it with fire" but having looked at it for some time its growing on me...
  15. Wow i feel silly! after all these months it was as easy to sort as this! Changing it from this and putting it like this
  16. Yeah thought about that...but it makes no sense as my original ones were from someone who's boot wouldn't open when they applied a nismo v1 spoiler
  17. I have no idea...it makes no logical sense! and is driving me nuts...i have an inkling that i may have them pointing the wrong direction once down...so i will try changing that tonight
  18. Because at the moment when my struts are on (have even tried 2 pairs) i get this and without struts i get this
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