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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. nurrish

    Car respray

    IS THIS YOUR CAR???????????
  2. Maybe one day when i become a gangsta rappa i shall purchase these...Until then
  3. If you are going to tune then you may see some benefit of these over a spacer although the cosworth is aimed at the TT crowd. If you have no in-tensions of tuning then a spacer will suffice
  4. Well done matey. I shall let you buy me a drink with the wonga
  5. 4 months ago hope there is no rust I'd shop around at a few body shops first buddy as 175 does seem a tad expensive
  6. I actually started off a carbon whore.....then got rid......Now i've gone to the extreme
  7. Wont post anything else till its all complete....Although i have 2 meets before it will be complete so photo's from these shall reveal my work in-progress But thanks to Sarah and Gaz at envy (couldn't sit on this )
  8. Less jibba jabba and get that bad boy on
  9. Anyone interested in this? Comes in black in excellent condition. Comes with a DS Flash card with 4gb of storage. £75 shipped
  10. Chris can you change him from z veteran to Z Spammer?
  11. I'd recommend speaking to CS as he came up with a excellent braking combo for my car see http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=25819
  12. This is why you created this thread
  13. PUKE!!! You been looking at scatology again!?!?!?!
  14. + 1 i am local ish so would like to see what you got
  15. There's a hysterical thread over at my350 about this. 1: New tyres 2: Exhuast 3: Discs & Brakes 4: Coilovers 5: Advanced Driving Course
  16. Very Very Nice The centre console looks a bit mad though. Maybe if you have the orange interior you could pull it off. Other than that top work
  17. Dam they look real nice Its a shame that they would probably be £720 or more after shipping. Anything cheaper than this then your gonna have a real seller on your hands
  18. I had mine fitted at a garage only because i had a suspension change. But from what i saw there should be no reason why it couldn't be done on a jack Just watch out for tight nuts
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