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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. Grant means where the DVD DRIVE is located
  2. Does that come with a free handbag
  3. Hi, check this out http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=25563 We are very close to there on sunday.....would be nice to have a look
  4. It goes by the amount of posts you have. The more you post it will change
  5. What's the insurance like on an r34 being 25!!??!?!!?!
  6. Removed my v1 spoiler leaving my boot in a right state o well wont be on there much longer
  7. I cant beleive your selling but you saying you can afford to upgrade interests me
  8. Looking good Btw you should of been nice to the lady on reception at laptab as i got mine at £35 a wheel
  9. http://jalopnik.com/5346306/bikini-car-wash-for-hybrids-only/gallery/
  10. Will you be selling your old boot without glass then? Well from what i have learnt there is not much demand for boots so i doubt it will sell with or without it...
  11. Hmmmm think i shall give autoglass a call and see what they want...
  12. A quick google search suggests this is some type of flexi plastic. Did you fit it yourself? Is it strong?
  13. i think the more posts you put in here the more free advertising you are providing..........lock this sh!t up
  14. Hmmmmmmm that would be a nonsensical move as i am selling my boot too. So i need my glass to put in my new boot
  15. Yes this will be my back up plan However people that know me know that i like doing things myself
  16. Couldn't find anything on this on the search. Is it easy enough to transplant the boot glass from one to another? Any info appreciated
  17. This is from a few months back......... Stock Air box Kinetix V+ Plenum K1 Exhaust with bungs
  18. I went for BC Coilovers which have the adjustable damper settings. Talk to CS as he is able to supply them for you
  19. I actually thought about doing the same but after seeing these pics i am put off by it now. You may be able to pull it off in real life but from these pics i would not think of doing it now
  20. People are dropping like flies!! This is a shock but wish you all the best
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