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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. I was gonna post this weeks ago but decided it was to gay !!!!
  2. This was my impulse buy last week......used it once. Don't really see a point in me keeping it as i don't have masses of time on my hands to get use out of it. I will include the invoice which is dated 26th august from amazon. I can restore it to its original state or can leave all the games i had loaded on. This is also jailbroken I Brought it for £271 last week so all i ask for it is £245 shipped thanks
  3. Yeah its the seibon boot. I am actually very surprised with the quality of it. And yep they be the mastergrade pillars too For the time being i am leaving my roof black as i dont wanna pay £425 for a stick on cf overlay but i think it should work out with the roof being black anyhoo. Can't wait to get it on worst of all i have spotted my next purchase
  4. Just trying to get some one to transfer the glass over onto it......but should be the weekend
  5. Thanks to envy for there quick an excellent service
  6. Yes thats hosting.....but OP still needs to create one
  7. Ii got 4 19" falkens for £570 including fitting grant...
  8. www.moonfruit.com I have built mine with that and it offers alot of expandability
  9. I would post my wish list but me being the snake that i am like to keep things under wraps
  10. Looking like a good list Now total the cost of everything up and you will give your self a heart attack
  11. I shall teach you some tactics buddy You are talking to the master right here
  12. you done well with that!!! Fair play to you mate Now you just need to find a nice r32 forum where everyone is friendly
  13. FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP This reminds me of some porn i came accross a few months back where a 350z was involved in all of the scene (no pun intended)
  14. Just pulling your leg. Did you get the plastic thing sorted?
  15. But yeah i'd recommend CS. Just found it funny you saying saving money by driving further
  16. Looks good. I just love that thread title....throws up various images of those lonely heart adverts in the classified section of the local newspaper.
  17. Yeah but look how gay the r32 looks
  18. Woooo sounds great and your a lucky sod Quite glad you didn't pick up the random kid and take him for a ride though......could be viewed in many different ways In for the pics
  19. Too right Funnily enough its about 3 miles from where i live too
  20. Has given me inspiration for ordering one for tonight
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