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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. 1. M350ZB 2. Chesterfield + 1 (Paid for x2 tickets @ £6ea) 3. Muddy +1 (Paid for x2 tickets @ £6ea) 4. Shire +1 (Paid for x2 tickets @ £6ea) 5. nurrish +1 (Paid for x2 tickets@ £6ea) - Sunday only 6. Kris 7. Roo + 1 (Paid for x2 tickets @ £6ea)
  2. 1. M350ZB 2. Chesterfield + 1 (Paid for x2 tickets @ £6ea) 3. Muddy +1 (Paid for x2 tickets @ £6ea) 4. Shire +1 (Paid for x2 tickets @ £6ea) 5. nurrish confirmed (will pay today) 6. Kris 7. Roo + 1 (Paid for x2 tickets @ £6ea)
  3. I use to be self employed and used an umbrella company. The company would sort out everything and then make a payment to you with all the taxes already taken out for you. Obviously they take there bit but for the connivence its well worth it i used http://www.orangegenie.com/
  4. Typical I guarantee my dampers will be more than strong enough for your
  5. Thanks to shieldsie these have done just the job My boot now opens and i wont get tired arms from holding it open
  6. This is a common mistake....however Solihull is not in birmingham....
  7. Dude, you don't talk like that, you must be a posh brummie Ahem his from Solihull
  8. Its true.... i know ian and he is either planning to rob a bank or whoring himself out......and i know for sure he aint gonna make much with the 2nd option
  9. Received this morning Will fit them later on tonight Where would i be without this forum aye???
  10. Chuck some carbon at it and it may look decent
  11. I would pay to see husky do this on speed be like a dog with 2 dicks
  12. Yeah but ebay still take a cut of what the final price is
  13. Prepare to wave goodbye to what life you have
  14. That was one hell of a trip Looks like it was a great day though!! How many stops did you do on the whole route?
  15. I think you just like meeting strangers in car parks martin
  16. Well done mate Im sure it will be looked after as its such a stunning example Is it cheeky of me to ask how much it went for in the end??
  17. Todays leicester post headline BENNETT IN LATE ARRIVAL SHOCKER
  18. He had stayed over a friends house and then had a crack at it there.....seemed like he was up to his eyeballs though
  19. Well i phoned bennett today about 12 and he was still in leicester
  20. Got me thinking that this must be a birmingham saying
  21. Yeah mate you just need a 10mm socket and then just some pillars/grips for the top nut. Piece of cake to remove just make sure your holding the boot when removing the last nut
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