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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. Yeah i couldn't see them going for much either
  2. Sorry buddy MC got there by PM 1 minute sooner.
  3. yeah but i did hear that these will net you at least an extra 20bhp........
  4. A Pillars painted Obsidian Black. Like the fool that i am i failed to realise that these were attached by screws......so one side is missing the screw attachment....but these are held on by poppers also so there shouldn't be a problem - £SOLD Lip spoiler off a UK car. Painted obsidian black. - SOLD Bonnett Gas dampers. Comes with all fitments. SOLD
  5. I think my next purchases will be +06 lights and LED rear's
  6. Thanks guys you are starting to make me blush Yes music and navigation is possible
  7. Fantastic well done for carrying on Click through to see!
  8. That is great definitely tickled my funny bone
  9. Got it on excellent fitment! Promise i will get some better quality pics at the weekend
  10. Naaa im going for the smooth look.....besides the ladies will love my big buldge
  11. Thanks to envy for there stonking service on this one Seibon +07 Carbon Bonnett Just need to re ajust my bonnet latch to get an even fitment
  12. Absolutely shocking!!!!!! So glad the baby is ok
  13. Yeah but i think you may have crossed a line in the whole random posting..... at least i tend to post funny/scary/worryingly random But on a closer inspection of the pics i quite like the sparkly effect of the mouse and wonder if they do nail varnish in a similar style
  14. Dude?????? I do alot of random pointless things.....but this takes the doggy biscuit!!!! I think you need more bone chews or legs to hump!!!!
  15. Ahhhh sorry matey that was your car!!! i was real tired and needed a sit down
  16. I love it!! them side skirts totally transform the side view
  17. Looks good to me The price however http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2002-NISSAN-350Z-RED_W0QQitemZ280409857191QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAutomobiles_UK?hash=item4149badca7
  18. 1) stichy 2) Goatboy 3) nurrish
  19. I will see how i get on tonight....feeling really tired now so hopefully if i stay awake till 9 i should hopefully be well away.... O and yeah no more nights out with you ian.....you are a f@ckin menace to society!!!! Thanks for the info people
  20. I dont know if its even possible but the last two nights i have just closed my eyes and nothing has happend......I cant even start a dream off!!! My mind just goes totally blank and all i can think about is that i am closing my eyes and not being able to sleep So i am massively sleep deprived and at work!!! Any suggestions on what i can do???
  21. thanks time to get looking for the rest of the car now amended the title too
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