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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. These look lurverly wish i had some money!!!!!!!
  2. Just to clarify.....the bose has a tape player..... you really should look at better alternatives out there and you will be surprised at how oem some double din stereos can look
  3. Shall be eating one of these tonight then
  4. Still better than John And Edward I love how your misses looks at you as if to say "wtf john shut the f@ck up!!"
  5. I wasn't lying Come on ian Nimbly_bimbly is your favourite guy
  6. Anyone have one of these? Have pm'd the usual suspects too
  7. you sold a r35 for a 350z???? welcome by the way
  8. Come on then post you percentages up.... I got 88
  9. Thought i'd make a new thread for pics and experiences. Good day and lots of treats and hospitality. Got to rag a 370z auto round the track and found it to be an enjoyable experience.....Definite comfort and quality upgrade but not really notice much speed increase. Then got to drive a manual 370z on the road and found the auto sync rev to be very nice and worked very well. Also nice to catch up with fellow members Anyway some pics....Not many
  10. Title needs changing to...... "This is what you call a real "old" car for real "old" people"
  11. ha, noone can beat my style of 1000 NIX: I LOVE smoked sausage!!!! LOL!!! Dont we all
  12. I know keith!!! i nearly wet myself!!! has to be the funniest video i have every watched on the net!! theres even an extended version of more drunkenness thats runs for 10:52!!!!
  13. I just love how he is determined to keep a hold of his beer I seriously doubt this guy got home!!! The ending is just pure class
  14. O MY GOD I AM IN TEARS!!!!!!!!! BEWARE WILL CAUSE YOUR SIDES TO SPLIT!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e4caLZUrFw Have sympathy for the bloke though as im sure you've all been there at some point
  15. Also have you seen Liam Neeson in taken.......he whips some serious butt!!!!! Plus the guy out of The hangover!! Would think this has to have a bit of promise to be remotely entertaining/good
  16. And you think the orignal A-Team wasn't camp!!!
  17. Anyone seen this pic yet Here's the first shot of the new A-Team cast and yes, B.A. Baracus does look kinda tiny. The full shot, the cast list — in effect, the full plan — comes together below, right in front of the GMC van. Yes, that's Quinton "Rampage" Jackson playing Mr. T playing B.A. Baracus. Bradley Cooper is Face. Sharlto Copley from District 9 is playing Murdoch while Liam Neeson will lead the new A-Team as Hannibal. And yes, that is the GMC van behind them. All is right in the world. http://www.etonline.com/news/2009/10/79995/index.html Looking good
  18. I wonder if we are going to be able to choose manual or auto boxes?? Not sure which one i'd like to try
  19. Thursday 1. JAK 11ish 2. Sunset350z 12.40 3. 4. Friday 1. H5 11.15 2. Rich5259 12.00 3. Mazzaman 12.00 4. Rawbhp 8.20 5. CS 1:30 6. introspect 2.30 7. paul "first thing" - perhaps he means 8.20 with rawbhp 8. ebized (Colin) 11.15 9. Maccaman 12.00 10.Nurrish 9:45 + my uncle rob
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