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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. I had a similar problem and couldn't reset it with a normal ecu reset however this helped me clear the problem 1.) First I open my door and use that as a timer. 2.) Turn my car into the on position wait for the airbag light to come on. 3.) Turn key to off position. When the airbag light starts to blink . You will hear the beeping sound from your door being open. Count 10 beeps and follow the same steps as number 2.) For 4 times it should go off.
  2. O so the utec is damaged? but didn't you buy it from the states?.....could be tricky getting any compo
  3. Yes. But, just got back to Cardiff & had a call from them. My car will only run on 3 cylinders with the UTEC connected to it Far from happy at the moment Any reason why this is???? and how does it affect the tune?
  4. Wouldn't want to embarrass you
  5. Found this guy whilst going through some youtube links.
  6. Too many secrets going around on this site
  7. Come on cats out the bag! whats alex been doing to you???
  8. Not sure there mate.....me and ians16 replaced his ecu with the nismo tuned one and it was a straight swap.......
  9. Well the map on there is setup for optimal performance on my car. May require a tune to get the best out of it but then again it might be just perfect.
  10. I am awaiting confirmation that this is possible. Im fairly sure it is and it will be plug and play. Its a UK ECU from a 2005 car with a UPREV Custom Map and Speed Delimited . Car was tuned at RSTuning. I believe it would just be a simple plug and play My setup was Kentix Plenum (pretty much same as a spacer) K1 Exhaust AEM Intake Looking for £280 with a swap for your ecu When you take into account the cost of the licence of the up rev software you will realise how cheap this is. You may just need an hour or so to custom tune it to your car
  11. Well done rich These are gonna luck great on your car
  12. Do you think this could be the reason why your single?
  13. Mate.......every kebab house is decent when your pi$$ed
  14. Before Now....just need to space the wheels at the back
  15. I put a sat nav into a 59 roadster last sunday and that didn't have a hump either
  16. Looks real good buddy Glad you got it on and happy with it Yeah rich is right
  17. nurrish

    only £45k.

    For that money would rather have a GTR Plus it looks like a sack of spanners!!!
  18. +1 absolutely shocked when i ripped mine out
  19. I have a 10" free air sub in my stock sub space.....i'm not winning any awards for best sound but i am happy with what it kicks out
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