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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. see my location LOL!!! I WISH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Yeah....but i bet if it was a porsche panamera the owner probably buried it himself
  3. Anyone noticed my beach theme tonight
  4. http://www.asylum.com/2009/11/16/norida-storm-damage-pictures-reveal-the-best-seashell-ever/
  5. You've practically got brand new rubber which is worth probably £600 on there own. If it were me i would be wanting £850 - £900.........but the question is.......what are people willing to pay for stock oem wheels
  6. Look very similar to the GT4 wheels.
  7. I stand corrected.....this is the most disturbing clown i have seen.....
  8. That is by far the most disturbing clown picture i have seen in all my life!!! I would crap my pants if i saw him walking towards me!!!
  9. More pm's replied too...No firm offers as yet so everything is still up for grabs.
  10. and here are all the photo's of the aftermath http://jalopnik.com/5406108/exclusive-first-post+lake-crash-bugatti-veyron-photo
  11. Two career drunks were extremely thirsty one Saturday night and decided to go to the store to get some cheap booze. In the store, the first drunk says, "All right, I have 87 cents; how much do you have?" His friend replies, "I have a dollar. What can we get for $1.87?" The first drunk spots a big Italian sausage on the rack for only $1.80 and has a great idea. "Hey, here's what we can do," he says. "We'll buy that sausage there and put it in my pants. We'll go into a bar and order drinks. After the drinks are gone, I'll pull out the sausage and you start sucking on it. They'll kick us out of the bar and we won't have to pay!" The second drunk agrees and they head off to the bar. They walk in and order two beers and drink them down. When the beer is gone, the first drunk whips out the sausage and the second starts sucking on it. "What the hell are you doing? Get out of my bar!" says the bartender, and the two run out laughing. "That was great, and it didn't cost us a cent," says the second drunk. "Let's do it again!" So off they run to another bar for a repeat performance. This continues through the night. At the end of the night, after about the 20th bar, the second drunk says, "Man what a great night. All this drinking is making me hungry. Hey, pull out that sausage and let's eat it." "Sausage?" says the first drunk. "I ATE the sausage about eight bars ago!"
  12. Hopefully get mine monday then
  13. I do more than that every week If you were paying for your fuel you wouldn't
  14. Vid of the incident.....driver was distracted by a low flying pelican...
  15. This thread has a chance of being quite epic
  16. I'm wondering why he isn't advertising it on the site under the "350z for sale" section.........
  17. nurrish


    Welcome If i were you i would set aside a good couple of hours and have a look through the site as it will reveal alot of info for you.
  18. Love it. Going to stock up on wallets now
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