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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. If you were to get my system we could hit it all in one go and get it setup properly
  2. Yeah real close and i haven't spent much time on it over christmas....Once my oil spacer comes i can drain the oil and fill it with 6litres of the good stuff...still need to get my radiator though....but not far off....just hope i can afford to get it tuned
  3. I think you might be just out of the fallout zone
  4. Well with my aam kit i have a fuel pressure regulator which i can adjust (somehow...) I think i need to research more before i start my car Im not far off now.....now that i got the RFS in i just need to fit my oil pan spacer and throttle body spacer once its delivered. Think thats pretty much it Then its
  5. Hmmmm i dunno what to say....i can see what the guide is doing but i did have to modify the plastic bit that secures the pump...but a part from that it seemed to be all ok....i guess i should know when i start the engine
  6. Yeah im using the walbro......i just stuck it in......seemed like thats all there was to it.
  7. Happend to me...i took it to a garage and they just used there airgun with an attachment and off it came...no big problem
  8. Im going to tie wrap it back to a place well out of the way of the header
  9. In hindsight i think i should of drained the petrol tank before doing this definitely a nerve racking job but this is only half way there......it needs to work when on
  10. Finally got done the job is was dreading........Replacing fuel pump and fed my return fuel line in Real messy smelly job!! would not recommend doing it! But its done now so i can tick that job off my list
  11. They didn't cook up well then?
  12. Congrats My Misses wanted to get engaged for Christmas......so i brought her a footspa and a hairdryer
  13. I think you've got more chance of the queen coming round to warm up your spuds than getting one of these
  14. Pretty much i guess...just need to get the aam throttle body and aam oil pan spacer. Might through a catch can in there for good measure
  15. Have now finished on the upper block....plenum needs cleaning
  16. So is it getting cooked on christmas day? looks very plump
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