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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. At the moment its a toss up between abbey and advanceme.....advanceme are closer to me but abbey seem to have the most experience....if abbey get to live map a uk car on uprev soon then i will go there for sure
  2. I bet you used to watch pokemon Gotta catch em all now its gotta welcome them all
  3. And you still post in every one the more of these the sooner you will reach 20k
  4. The problem is the diff.....you will need to get an exhaust shop to bend/weld/fabricate something up.....then the problem you will have is getting the tips lined up
  5. Mine is a UK model, do they do another one that fits a UK car ? All the ones on ebay wont fit uk cars....speak to taddy as he modded one too fit....i brought one and couldn't be arsed with going through with it
  6. Cheers guys Will get a vid up once its been tamed
  7. Not much of a spectacle to be honest.....a bit rough but need to adjust the fuel pressure which should smooth it out
  8. Sorry to do this to you dude..... x 5
  9. GOOD NEWS!!! It starts!! bad news i got an air leak somewhere!! Will need to go round and check all the connections....But i am happy that it starts
  10. And thats a wrap!! All done Just scared to start it The final part was to fit the oil pan spacer
  11. Im all about go mate Come on ian !!! if your home early enough tomorrow i'll bring the angle grinder round Lets get this baby started!! Put in my fuel pressure gauge....at the moment i haven't positioned it right just need to screw it down.
  12. All is good.....just a set back on the exhaust....couldn't get ians ypipe off.....but my car is totally rebuilt now...all thats left is oil drain and refill then fit exhaust...Big thanks to Neil (fakeindian) for your help today The wait continues
  13. What a great outfit next on my list...perhaps a wales meet outfit
  14. After speaking with alex on this he reckons all should be well...my cats only have 100 cells so the gases will fly through anyway without much restriction
  15. I would love to sleep with this guy
  16. Well.....you know what i mean
  17. About time you saw sense boy
  18. If you wanna come round neil and lend a hand your more than welcome
  19. Well i brought the exhaust on a whim on the off chance that it would work out using my charm.....however i would need to customise the middle pipe work to clear the diff which is a massive headache and would set me back However my good friend/lover wannabe ians16 is doing a swapsie with me as this will go straight onto his jdm
  20. Change of plans with the exhaust Systems all go for saturday eve
  21. This guy is totally nuts!! "Don't leave the duck there. It's totally irresponsible. Put it on the swing, it'll have much more fun."
  22. sooooooo funny!!! "Badger tickling: proceed with caution"
  23. Hmm i see....the advice i was given said it should be ok.....could the manifold sensor and the afr sensor be swapped around?
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