Woohhhaaaa misread the title....to which i know plenty....mastication on the other hand chewing is boring! i hate people that chew and chew!! best thing you can do is whatever you eat make sure you have a pint of water to hand
US bose head units have a changer input...this can be used for an ipod connection/axillary connection. No models of the bose stereo for the 350z has mp3 playback.
I have thought about this.....but because the system needs a long push to turn on it wont work....it would be feesable though to put it into sleep mode and for it to wake up....but if the battery was to die there would be no way to turn it on
you cant motorize these units.....i have looked at the motorized ones and there is alot more electrics to it....that connector on that one is purely a switch for something else....its not even connected to anything on uk cars
Also you will need the finisher plate other wise you will have a open space.....jdm dont sell this item....be careful to as i had to wait nearly 5 weeks for one to be delivered...they dont hold them in stock and they order from japan
Its a great service...go to http://www.bundlebox.com
you get your own posting address in the states..have everything shipped to there and then they send it to you and you give it your won value
You remember those 3 bolts that i couldn't get screwed into my plenum? this is why my car would start and cut out when i get home i will fill them holes and fingers crossed it should be all systems go